CRPG Addict Update List
This page catalogues updates to previously-published CRPG Addict entries. It does not include:
- New entries. These are easy to find in the blog navigation on the main page. I originally added them to this list, but I was always forgetting.
- Comments. There is a separate page for recent comments.
I also update the "Recent, Current, & Upcoming" list, and the two indexes of games played every time I complete a game; such changes will not be listed here. Neither will minor typo or broken link fixes.
Times are all U.S. Eastern zone.
02/08/2025 14:46: Fixed formatting on "Rings of Zilfin: Won!"
01/13/2025 18:17: Updated "Beyond Zork: Won!" with correct link to transcript and formatting fixes.
01/09/2025 18:20: Updated "Arcan: Won! (with Summary and Rating)." The game does have sound effects and got an extra GIMLET point for them. Thanks to commenter Vince for pointing out the error.
12/11/2024 15:04: Minor correction to "Game 293: Sword Quest 1: The Search." The author did not go on to a career as a dentist.
12/08/2024 13:54: Added a "related entries" section to my "Bugs and Drugs: Summary and Rating" article from 18 November 2022.
10/20/2024 13:32: Minor edits to the CRPG Glossary page.
10/10/2024 21:13: "Brief BRIEFS: Cyberworld (1983), Storm-Tamer (1990), Questwriter (1990), Questreader (1990), Obitus (1991)" from January 2024 updated to include a little information on Questreader (1990), the companion to Questwriter.
10/07/2024 00:01: Added first-entry header info to "Game 193: Antares (1991)."
10/04/2024 10:48: Minor update to "Enchantasy: Truth and Consequences" (CTRL-F "Ed.")
08/22/2024 12:25: Edits made to "Enchantasy: Bells and Books" based on comments.
08/17/2024 23:00: Note added to final Lords of Time (1992) entry from 2019: the missing sequel, Riamel, has been recovered and posted online.
08/17/2024 22:19: Edits made to "Game 528: Betrayal at Krondor (1993)," both in brackets and preceded with "Edit."
08/15/2024 01:57: Added a header and made minor edits to 2011 entry: "Game 56: Paladin (1988)."
08/13/2024 16:52: Updated the "Everything We Know About 1970s Mainframe RPGs We Can No Longer Play" entry with more information about Drygulch (1980), including a photograph.