The King's Mission Game
United States
Independently developed
Released 1977 for the
PLATO mainframe at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Date Started: 15 March 2024
Date Ended: 16 March 2024
Total Hours: 4
Difficulty: Moderate-Hard (3.5/5)
Final Rating: 17
Ranking at time of posting: 128/508 (25%)
The King's Mission Game was on PLATO, all these long years, under my very nose, yet I did not have the wit to see it. Granted, absolutely no source about PLATO RPGs mentions it, and its file name ("2tkm") doesn't exactly pop. El Explorador de RPG, living up to his name,
discovered it in 2021 along with several others that I've been slowly working my way through.
Mission, written by Kent A. Wendler, is apparently based on the lost
Think series (see my coverage
here), which also inspired Don Gillies'
Swords and Sorcery (1978). It plays similarly to
Swords, but there are also a number of differences, and
Mission is ultimately harder.
The game takes place in the Aeolian Kingdom, where you take missions from the king to kill a certain number of monsters in each of 10 "enchanted realms." The realms are defined by a number from 1 to 10, and the size of the realm is that number squared. Thus, Realm 1 consists of just a single screen, while Realm 3 is 9 screens arranged in a tic-tac-toe grid. Impenetrable trees line the outside edges of each realm. Each screen has 8 x 8 positions.
Starting a new mission. This will take place in a world of 2 x 2 screens.
Each screen is seeded with four monster types: goblins, zombies, werewolves, and demons. Screens can also contain random arrangements of trees, treasure chests, and "living pyramids" which will sell you arrows, health, and (later, when you have lots of money) weapons.
You move through these screens in a weird way that goes back to Mike Mayfield's Star Trek. You specify a direction and speed, and you keep moving that direction and speed until you change or hit something. There are rules about how fast you can change speed and how sharply you can turn. If you hit something, you take damage, but not much. The movement made sense when the vehicle of travel was the Starship Enterprise. It makes less sense when it's an adventurer on foot in a forest--and yet it works well in context, creating a fun, tactical game that depends more on positions and angles than traditional RPG mechanics like strength and dexterity.
Shooting a monster in the first world (1 x 1). Notice how I "injured" his left side. (I'm the hollow character in the upper left corner.)
In fact, Mission really isn't an RPG by my definitions. You have no attributes; the damage you do to enemies is entirely based on your weapon; and the only way you improve is through increases to your health ("hits"). But it only took a few hours to experience the game, and I enjoyed it.
Mission is principally a game of math. You start with 200 hit points, 15 arrows, and 25 gold. Your sword and arrows do 10 damage to enemies, and whatever damage you do adds to your hit points. Enemies, for their part, damage you for however many hit points they have remaining. Goblins start with 10 points, zombies with 40, werewolves with 80, and demons with 800. Thus, goblins die in one hit, but the others take at least several hits, and they do significant--in the case of demons, absolutely fatal--damage to you whenever they hit. Rule #1, therefore, is to stay out of the way of everybody but goblins, killing them with arrows. Demons can't even be hit or damaged with regular swords or arrows, so they only exist to be avoided.
Stupidly allowing a demon to get close to me.
The second and more significant way the game is about math is in figuring out optimal movement and firing. To specify a movement or shooting direction, you enter a number from 0 to 12, where both 0 and 12 represent due north. East, south, and west are 3, 6, and 9, respectively. But you can also enter fractional numbers, like 4.5 or 8.75. You can shoot enemies from clear across the map if you can figure out the right slope.
Rise over run, Mister Falcon.
It's hard to explain without playing it in front of you, but all of these factors come together to create a fun, tactical experience. You arrive on a map and try to plot the optimal route that keeps you out of the reach of the more dangerous enemies while still allowing you to drill goblins with arrows. You avoid demons like the plague, reversing direction as necessary and using trees and chests as barriers. Sometimes it's best to allow yourself to collide with trees, chests, or enemies, taking damage, rather than wasting a round bringing yourself to a stop manually. The first realm is paradoxically quite hard, despite the low number of goblins you have to kill, because there's no escape from the one screen. You could start surrounded by enemies. In other worlds, you can escape off the edge of the map, which causes the positions of surviving monsters and other items to reset. Monsters never chase you off the edge of the map.
It took me a while to build any intuitive expertise with the movement
and firing systems. In my first couple hours, I won the first scenario a
few times but kept dying on the second because I bumbled next to a demon or tried to take on a werewolf in melee combat. Eventually, I figured out how I could shoot and move in directions other than the four cardinal directions, and things became easier. I was able to win the second and third missions. The rewards you get from missions are laughable--less than you get from individual chests during the missions.
This is an untenable starting position.
The game tracks a "rating," which is heavily influenced by opening treasure chests and completing missions, less so by killing enemies. There's a "King's Roster" of the most successful characters who have not yet died, plus a "King's Honor Roll" of the latest living character to complete his missions in each realm. I managed to get the top ranking on the roster for a while, beating the several characters fielded by El Explorador back in 2021 (we and two or three other people appear to be the only ones who have played the game since Cyber1 resurrected PLATO in 2004). But then I died, and all trace of my existence was wiped from the game, leaving El Explorador's characters to rule the roster again.
Damn right.
I imagine the game changes a lot if you can build health and gold into the thousands. For 2,000 gold pieces, you can buy a magical sword +1 that does 100 damage. There are also magical swords +2 and Swords Supreme (I believe the last one does 800 damage) available for thousands more gold pieces. If you were able to get a Sword Supreme, you could go around killing demons, adding 800 hit points to your own total with every swipe. The game would cease to be a challenge long before that, probably. I never got more than 500 or so gold pieces.
8 bags of gold! Whatever will I do with such a treasure?
A couple of other things are worth noting. By now, you've been impressed by the crisp graphics common to many of the PLATO games, including character and enemy icons that are better than anything we'd see on the microcomputer until the mid-1980s. Mission also does a fun thing where when you hit enemies with arrows, their icon "dissolves" a bit on the side where you hit them, representing your chipping away at their health. Second, as with most PLATO games, the documentation is completely clear and thorough.
PLATO games are always very well-documented.
Finally, it's worth noting some of the differences between Mission and Sorcery:
- Sorcery let you specify the size of the area you explore in rows and columns up to 10 x 10. It did not insist on making square worlds. You could create a world of 8 x 1 screens or 2 x 9.
A shot from the similar Swords and Sorcery (1978).
- Sorcery had tree-chopping missions that Mission lacks.
- Mission replaces Sorcery's magic circles with "living pyramids," where you can replenish your arrows, trade gold for hit points, and end the mission if you've killed all the enemies. Neither really makes sense, but they're filling in for star bases in the Star Trek game.
If you miscalculate and hit a pyramid, they won't sell anything to you for the rest of the mission.
- Sorcery had more equipment that you could buy or find, like swords, shields, armor, and boots. Mission just has arrows and the aforementioned magic swords.
- Sorcery started out quite hard, with the character having 0 hit points. But it got very easy once you passed a couple of missions. Mission starts a little easier--you can't die from walking into a tree, at least--but it never gets truly "easy."
I gave Sorcery 18 on the GIMLET and Mission gets 17 for its fewer RPG elements, but I think I might have enjoyed Mission more, particularly since Sorcery got so easy so fast. Mission isn't a good RPG--not an RPG at all--but it's still a fun tactical game that I found difficult to close after the few hours I spent with it.
Nice and snappy article. I suspect I would love those two games.
ReplyDeleteI did not expect you to have played the venerable [Mayfield] Star Trek.
Back in the mid-1980s, my mother was a data processor at a marketing research firm. I wish I knew now what kind of computer system she used; it was one of the big mainframes of the era, like DEC or CDC. But it had a Star Trek variant on it. It was my first exposure to terms from the show; I had never watched it. I misread "klingon" as "kilgon," and for years I thought that's how it was pronounced.
DeleteHow dare you strike me, a pyramid!
ReplyDeleteOnce Google gets around to indexing it, this will be the only appearance of that phrase online.
DeleteEl Explorador's work of uncovering all those early games is really impressive.
ReplyDelete"The game takes place in the Aeolian Kingdom".
The Aeoliens were one of the major tribes in Ancient Greece (Wikipedia). Also, a King Aeolus, ruler of an island and commander of the winds, shows up in the Odyssey (see e.g. here). I wonder which of those inspired Wendler.
As an aside trivia, there is also a piano piece called "Aeolian King".
I have always had the doubt if this game could be the same one that according to Don Gillies another unknown student made after Jim Mayeda's "think" and before he made his own.
ReplyDeleteI did a little searching and discovered that Kent A. Wendler was a staff member at the University of Illinois in the '90s and lived in Champaign (I think he still lives there).
DeleteThat perhaps explains the copyright thing, and puts the author in the right place for his to be the second supposedly lost "think" game (its initial copyright has a date between Jim Mayeda's original "think" in 1976 and Swords & Sorcery by Don Gillies completed early 1978).
Is it possible that "think" is a weird abbreviation (it doesn't quite work, but almost) for "The King's"?
DeleteAt first I thought the same, but then I remembered reading a message from a classmate of Jim Mayeda in the Cyber1 notesfiles indicating that the "think" lessons were distributed among the students of Uni High, starting with himself and Mayeda, so if anything it would be the other way around, the name of the lesson could have inspired the name of the game. It is also possible that there were two (or more) versions of the game before Don Gillies' version.
DeleteCuriously, just today I received a response to a comment I posted last year on a blog from a certain person who knew "Rusty" Rutherford and who gave his "cryo2" lesson to a friend around 1976 to create a "version of the game Trek with fantasy setting in walled gardens, with arrows instead of photon torpedoes and werewolves instead of Klingons" that was going to be called The Magic Fountain. Unfortunately he doesn't remember the name of his then friend, but Don Gillies mentioned in Cyber1's notesfiles having used a pirated lesson called "cryo2" to create some game, so it was probably him, or some mutual acquaintance who gave it in turn to Gillies to continue the development of the game.
Regarding Rutherford, he says he's still alive, but he doesn't have contact information he can pass along to me.
His blog post is quite interesting, actually. He makes it clear that Rutherford was a lover of role-playing games, playing D&D, Runequest, and Empire of the Petal Throne with him and his own children. It also mentions a fan club on the Chambana campus and annual meetings, the Winter Wars, and upon re-reading it I realized that archived PLATO notesfiles from 1975 or 1976 mentioned the third of these meetings (WWIII ), "where they would play the D&D that had inspired so many PLATO games."
This made me look again in old magazines for references to PLATO and its games, but its CRPGs are not mentioned until 1980, with mentions of moria, labyrinth, orthanc, "dungeons", "monsters", "treasure" and "baguette". .. However, before that there are references to other games, including Alan McNeil's Nova, who had a letter published in a magazine. I also found letters from Silas Warner and Stuart Smith, who curiously in 1977 or 1978 was interested in Nova and in creating a multiplayer game with a space setting in which the characters could collaborate to complete different missions, although he later switched to fantasy when he created Fracas. I love finding these kinds of things, even if they don't add much.
Sorry, I mixed things up. The game Stuart Smith was interested in was Empire (in some of its incarnations), not Nova.
DeleteBy the way, the Winter War meeting was held in the Foreign Languages Building, so possibly that was where the members of the role-playing club met, and according to Gillies and his documents (which have traces of lessons in French), m199h would have come from there...
I have continued to pull the thread of the Conflict Simulation Society of the University of Illinois (the club of role-players and wargamers that founded the Winter War), and not only have I verified that its usual meeting place was the Foreign Languages Building, but also that I have verified that "Rusty" Rutherford was an active member for a few years, even after leaving college.
DeleteNow I'm almost sure that m199h came from there. The author could even be Rutherford himself trying to resurrect his game after having been deleted and no longer having access to his old pedit5 lesson. I suppose I could try to track down a former member or even Rutherford himself to confirm this.
For now I leave you here some interesting links. This is Rutherford playing Divine Right in 1979 with other members of the Conflict Simulation Society:
This is an issue of The General magazine (published by Avalon Hill) from September-October 1976 announcing Winter War IV (in the Foreign Language Building) and the contact for the convention is... Rusty Rutherford:
This is a 1980 issue of the Journal of the Travelers' Aid Society (downloadable in pdf) announcing the eighth Winter War, and again the contact is Rusty Rutherford:
I also found in The Daily Illini a reference to PLATO's crpg in 1978 in which dnd, orthanc and "obliette" are mentioned:
I'm afraid that as always when I find a new clue, I end up running into some dead end.
DeleteOf all the names I found related to the Conflict Simulation Society or the Winter War, I could only connect one with author activity on PLATO at that time, besides Rutherford.
This is Dave or David Emigh, who is mentioned in a previous link as the designer of a D&D tournament played in a Winter War in which Rutherford was an organizer. It turns out that Emigh is the creator of the Varget language used in Oubliette, and that he also published some D&D adventures with Judges Guild set on Tokal, the same world as Oubliette. He has some messages archived in PLATO's notesfiles from 1976, and apparently he was a regular player of their games, first Empire and then dungeon crawlers like Oubliette. He studied physics at the Chambana campus, and was an amateur linguist. In fact, before he created the Varget language it seems that Oubliette was called Collapsar (the name of his lesson), and then it was renamed Oubliette, a French word...
Unfortunately David Emigh passed away in 2020.
There are enough coincidences to think that lesson m199h could be his, but we don't have anything conclusive, and we may never have.
Very cool research: Thank you for sharing it.
DeleteObvious question but are you playing this emulated on the pc?
ReplyDeleteNot exactly. I use a TERMINAL emulator, but it telnets to and accesses the game on their replica of the PLATO mainframe.
DeleteJust a quick note for the upcoming Dungeon Hack. This game can probably be won by every class combination available - I did a lot of them. I ended up playing with all the difficulty sliders set to max EXCEPT food and DO NOT turn on multi-level puzzles - you can get screwed by the key location generation.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'll try to remember that.
DeleteNeat. The goblin graphic looks like the goblin graphic from Archon.
ReplyDeleteSeeing Princess Maker 2 in your upcoming list I want to suggest skipping it since it's definitely not an RPG. It falls into the raising simulation subgenre of life simulations. Also I think the only English version is the Refine Remaster on steam which was released only recently. Your rules aside I definitely wouldn't recommend it to you otherwise. Raising a kawaii manga princess just doesn't sound like something you would enjoy rather much.
ReplyDeleteThere was an english version of the DOS release. See for example the screenshots here
I mean, it is an RPG by his definitions.
DeleteAs an Addendum: I would consider it an RPG as well. It may be part of a subgenre, but the only thing that might disqualify it is that you are one step removed from the person gaining the stats. But you can also partially control her when adventuring, so I'm not sure what the objection would be. It's too Japanese?
DeleteInteresting, every single thing you said was objectively wrong except Princess Maker 2, raising simulation and the Remaster is on Steam. Arguments about whether a raising sim counts as a RPG aside, the game is is a JRPG unquestionably, to the point I wonder why you felt the need to chime in when you unquestionably haven't played it. There simply is no definition of a RPG that would not include Princess Maker 2. The only questionable aspect of it is if the English release counts as actually being released. Since despite being an abandonware staple, it is unknown if it ever reached store shelves or if it just reached game reviewers. Subjectively, I missed out on the game for a while because I like games in which muscle-bound men beat each other up and grit their teeth so hard you'd swear they're going to bite through their jaw and I liked the game. ;p It's very much something that's more interesting than it appears at first glance. But Chet also thinks of Zelda as an anime game, something that would never occur to me, so who knows?
DeletePrincess Maker 2 could be called a "mixed genre" RPG, I think. But mixed genre does not have to mean anything bad. My most beloved game series, Quest for Glory, is a parser adventure/RPG hybrid and it's not worse for it. My most beloved JRPG, Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons is a "Pirates!-like/RPG" hybrid and it does not make it any worse. So why should hybridness of Princess Maker 2 diminish it in any way?
DeleteMechanically PM2 is unquestionably an RPG; Chet has played plenty of games with weaker RPG creds. I do think that the separation between "player character" and "developing character" creates a kind of philosophical difference, but I'd argue that PM2 sticking with a single character for the duration (rather than a stable of characters or a single repeatedly replaced character) does a lot to blur any distinction that could be made. In any case, if Star Control II and Starflight cleared the bar, PM2 soars over it.
Delete(I'm really, really fascinated to see what he thinks about it.)
@MorpheusKitami I wonder why you felt the need for the personal attack. Your comments seem to me on the mean side a few times to often, you might want to consider changing your tone here, this comments section is not rpgcodex and thank god for that.
DeleteOf course I've played it that is the first one. I stand by what I said, personally I don't get RPG vibes from it although it may technically fit into Chet's definition, this is the only thing where I consider myself wrong. It just feels and plays like a managerial game for most of the time to me.
As for the unpublished release I said I "think" the only English version is the remaster and not that I'm absolutely sure. I considered that something like a fan translation etc. which I don't know of might exist, it's simply impossible to know if some dude in some forum did post a translation. Even doesn't have everything out there.
DeleteI understand the English version of the original game floating around on the internet is a leaked one, the result of a translation for the US market that was never published (only the 2016 remake got an official English release as mentioned above, another remake is being worked on currently). At least this is what's reflected in its Wikipedia entry under 'Release' and the details recounted by one of the authors of said English version here on the website of the company who did it, Softegg (apparently the licensing representative for Gainax was Robert Woodhead / AnimEigo, of Wizardry fame). At the top of the latter page is the following note:
Delete"Princess Maker 2 is not, nor has it ever been, freeware, abandonware, or shareware. The rights to the game still belong to NineLives, Gainax, and their licensees. SoftEgg is no longer in a position to grant publication rights to anyone, but still retains the rights to its English language translation (without the source code and art). So please stop pirating the game! Thank you."
It would of course be interesting to read Chet's impressions and thoughts on it (whatever his stance on the game's aesthetics and character), but as always it will be his call to make.
Without getting into the discussion on the (blog's) definition of CRPG re PM2, when bringing up prior games discussed here as examples, it's may be relevant to keep in mind that Chet's criteria on what constitutes a CRPG for this purpose have been adapted over the lifetime of the blog and he also has said in the past that making exceptions in one case does not 'oblige' him to make them repeatedly or permanently (not saying this applies to PM2, we'll see what he thinks when we get there, just in general).
OK, I think I know now what you guys mean. I didn't remember that it has a whole JRPG mini game in it my bad. Yeah, you could consider it a hybrid then of course.
Delete@Busca: "The original makers retain the rights to the game, we retain rights to the translation, because of this conflicting rights situation this translation will never be officially released" sure sounds like abandonware. (Not attacking you here, and honestly that "Please stop pirating the game!" seems kinda pro forma.)
Delete@MattW: No problem, I was just referring stuff I found, not taking an explicit stance myself. Having said that, while I don't want to completely rehash 'abandonware' discussions already found elsewhere like on this Steam forum for the 2016 'Refine' remake of PM2, here are my thoughts / 2 cents on this specific game and version:
Delete- As stated on the Softegg page, the rights to the game (source code, art) still belong to NineLives, Gainax, and their licensees.
- There is a remake for modern systems and another one ('Regeneration') is slated for a release in July this year, see e.g. here, so the series and this specific game apparently do retain a commercial relevance for the rights owners. Whether an English version of the original being available would detract people from buying the newer ones or on the opposite was what made the game popular in the non-Japanese speaking world, too, in the first place, and therefore maybe actually also led to the remake(s) being made and to people who loved it back then to now buy the remake(s), or a bit of both, is of course another whole discussion.
- The author of the translation we are talking about has clearly expressed his will that it should not be used freely (at least without the consent of the rightholders).
Based on this, I would be hesitant to claim it's legitimate (let alone even legal) for everybody to just download and play this version. I'm no expert in these matters, though, and obviously do not purport to hold the absolute truth on this. Maybe there is even an exception for endeavours like this blog which over time has (also) become something of a relevant place for CRPG archaeology / history?
@Fireball, perhaps, but at the same time, you should absolutely expect people to call you out if everything you say is wrong. I'd expect far worse towards myself. Either way, I don't think we should argue against games based on a weird area or nitpicking, which the subject is since Chet hasn't played a raising sim before since they're all in glorious Nipponese. (they're basically RPGs even if the vibe is wrong)
Delete@Busca, considering how many previous abandonware games Chet has played, I don't think Chet is in any danger.
Abandonware is not a legal category anyway. Unless the game has been officially released as freeware (like e.g. Daggerfall), someone somewhere technically has the copyright and it's technically piracy. It's just in many such cases the nominal rightsholder simply don't care enough pursue legal options.
DeleteWell given the "nipponese" and Chets comments about manga art style in the past I'm very sure he rather has to suffer through this one than enjoying it. OTOH I'm kind of curios on what he has to say about games like this, but I think it will not be as pleasant for him as it is for his audience ;-)
Delete@MorpheusKitami at the risk of starting a flame war (I'll stop if you ask to) - didn't it occur to you that "expecting far worse towards yourself" is both 1)wrong, you'd not get neither worse nor even the same here 2)harmful, because, expecting worse towards yourself, you consider what you write to not be needlessly agressive and confrontational (because of your expectations) while it actually is?
DeleteRegarding the world around you as more agressive than it is - it's not only not correct, but also leads to oneself being more agressive (just look at all those agressive right-wing paranoids who "are only defending").
(In case your expectating worse towards yourself is based on experience on this blog, I'm sorry, disregard what I said then.)
@MorpheusKitami: Oh, I wasn't talking about the risk of Chet getting sued or the like. Besides, I don't think he would be a target. He does not offer downloads or links to the same on the blog. Plus he's not a "As long as I can find it somehow somewhere without paying, why should I?" Codexer, but to the contrary has stated that he's willing to buy the game if the original version is still or again available for sale and has even sent fees to developers for obscure decades-old shareware games.
DeleteTo wrap all this up, I hear your opinions, but so many sites tag the game as an RPG that I feel I have to at least give it a BRIEF. Sure, it sounds like something that I'll find excruciating, but I'm curious why so many catalogues call it an RPG. We'll see.
DeleteJudging by the four rules:
Delete"1. Throughout the game, the character must become stronger, more resilient, and more capable of overcoming the game's challenges, including combat."
Definitely qualifies; the main part of the entire game is improving the character's stats to do better in the challenges and combats.
"2. Such character development must be separate from inventory acquisition."
Absolutely; you spend most of the time either training or working jobs to improve stats. There are also items and equipment that grant improvements, but most come from improving the character.
"3. Such character development must not consist solely of improvements to maximum health."
The game has something like 26 different stats it tracks, from Decorum and Morality to Strength and Social Reputation. No worries on this front!
"4. Players must have some control over the rate or details of development."
This is the entire game; choosing which stat to raise when, what areas to focus on, whether you can afford pricier training for higher stat increases or need to settle for using jobs to gain money at the cost of some stats...
So yeah, it absolutely qualifies for all the four rules. It does occur to me that probably a lot of Japanese dating sims would also qualify, except perhaps for those two little words "including combat" in rule one. No problem for this game (it has combat segments in the open world exploration areas, against other people in the fighting tournament, and the occasional ambush in town), but it's all that's stopping something like from qualifying.
Not wanting to stress things further than they already are, but IMO combat ist completely optional. Not contradicting what you said just wanted to add you could also choose not to raise a warrior princess and never do the jrpg part.
DeleteI wonder, are there RPGs that use RPG combat mechanics to simulate something other than combat? I used to talk about theoretically making an RPG to simulate walking around and trying to convince people to vote for a candidate--attacks were arguments, hit points represented morale (if you lose too many arguments too fast, you get discouraged and give up), you had a cell phone with a certain number of minutes (mana) that you could use to call campaign HQ to get special advice or services (spells), and sometimes someone who you persuaded (defeated) would give you money (money). If it had all the other RPG aspects, would it meet Chet's definition?
DeleteCome to think of it I know one game that blatantly uses RPG mechanics for something that's not combat, but I bet that Chet would be very happy not to play it.
Decker, a Shadowrun-inspired game from 2004, uses roguelike mechanics to represent hacking. ICEs (firewalls) are monsters, your hacking utilities are your skills/spells. Curiously, the later Shadowrun games (Returns etc.) took a similar approach to their hacking segments (only not procedurally generated and no permadeath).
DeleteI guess Michael Brough's mini-roguelike 868-HACK also uses roguelike/combat mechanics to represent hacking, although the mechanics are so very like combat that I forget that technically you are hacking instead of hacking and slashing.
DeleteThe original Shadowrun game for Sega, at least, did have "programs as spells" (with "operative memory as mana") mechanics, as well as different decks with different stats? Also, every Shadowrun game has personal character stats influencing hacking.
DeleteAs for other sort of games using RPG -combat- mechanics for something other - there was a RPG Maker game called "Logomancer" where "combats" were heated discussions, with arguments and counter-arguments as your attacks and defenses. There were even "elemental attacks" - Rock-Paper-Scissor system of "Ethos, Pathos and Logos", where Ethos beats Logos, Pathos beats Ethos, and Logos beats Pathos.
Planescape: Torment famously had only one required combat (or possibly zero? It's been a while), but given that it was an infinity engine AD&D 2e game, most of the rpg mechanics were for combat, the ones that weren't were mechanically simple (even if narratively complex), and I think in practice most players got in a lot of fights. I know I did.
DeleteA game where the complex RPG mechanics are primarily used for non-combat purposes is Disco Elysium. Only a few of them are even applicable to combat, and opportunities for combat are rare - most of the game is spent exploring and investigating, but your choice of character build, your ability to gain experience and your choices in leveling up are integral to the game experience and can change things drastically.