Friday, August 21, 2020

The CRPG Addict on Podcasts

I've been featured on two podcasts so far this year!

The first was back in June for the Australian podcast "The Life & Times of Video Games." A commenter recently noted that I had shared that link on my Patreon page but not on my regular blog, for which I apologize to Richard Moss. Please visit his site and consider donating to his efforts.
The second Podcast was for Hardcore Gaming 101. As part of their "Top 47k Games of All Time" series, we discussed Ultima IV in this episode. That's a link to my own Google Drive instead of the HG101 site because their podcast was a bonus published only for their Patreon subscribers, but they agreed to let me post it. If you become one of their Patreon subscribers, you can not only listen to this "officially" but also my commentary on Quest for Glory, posted as a bonus to this episode.
I'm due to return to talk about Pool of Radiance in November. Hopefully I can do something about my voice by then.


  1. All very enjoyable episodes of reliably enjoyable podcasts (and your voice is just fine)!

    1. Thank you, but it doesn't sound fine to me. I seem to slur, mumble, and stammer a lot more than I used to. I need to work on that. Much of my job involves public speaking, and I certainly don't want to get worse at it as I get older.

    2. Your voice is fine, coming from someone who did radio for a couple years. You should maybe do something with the guys who run the Vintage RPG podcast. I think you'd have some fun conversations.

    3. Your own voice always sounds weird!

    4. To me he didn't sound like someone that did much public speaking. If his job depends on it, he ought to appear in many more podcasts to practice.

  2. Hey, another Internet personality I follow is also a semi-regular guest on HG101.

    I have to say that your voice is a lot different than I imagined.

    1. Slowbeef! I'm afraid I'm not a podcast guy so I can't tell you what episodes he's on, but he's mentioned being on the show here and there on his Twitch streams and in Discord.

    2. I keep forgetting that I get to podcast with Slowbeef. He, Xerxes, and I just did Hearthstone, so get ready for that.

  3. We loved having you on, and I can't tell you how excited I am to have you on again in November. Bobinator said today he wanted an episode where you and I just chew fat about CRPGs. So, we're all very excited to have you back.

  4. The purpose of this brief entry was to showcase two podcasts. The "political" "discussion" that ensued when I rose to the bait of one idiotic comment is unfair to the excellent hosts of those podcasts, whose work this entry was meant to showcase, and for that reason, I nuked the ensuing thread. In doing so, I had to delete good points as well as bad ones. I'm sorry for that, but things were getting out of hand. Please do not reply to this comment or otherwise continue the discussion. Let any further comments be about the podcasts.

  5. Got a good laugh when one of the hosts said about the early Ultima games: you kill the evil wizard then his evil girlfriend, then his evil computer.

    1. I always did imagine the cards in Ultima III as 8" floppy discs with the shutdown routines on them...

  6. Chester sounds exactly like I imagined!

    Have you ever considered doing narrated audio tracks for the posts?

    1. I don't even know what that means. You mean just reading the text of the entry and posting it as an audio file?

    2. That would be like an ASMR spinoff of your blog :D

    3. I guess it's be like an audio book version of your blog? I find that oddly intriguing.

    4. I think it would lose a lot without the images. Unless I get a bunch of people who say they'd listen to it, I can't see adding that to my task list.

  7. I´d caution if you complicate the blog with audio tracks or splinter it off into new fragments like too many podcasts, you´d have a problem. The simplicity and integrity would suffer. You might lose some followers or end up with bickering about whether it´s better to read the blog and see images or hear the audio-only edition. Too messy and could take up too much time for Chet as author. He´s already busy enough. I may be wrong in all this, but I´ve seen other online people who do vlogs, tweets, facebook updates and other stuff and it just ends up meaning that follower A may see A, B, C but miss out on post D, while follower B may see A but not B or C...or find it a headache to wade through all the different portals/media. I´d vote to keep this traditional blog as the mainstay. Good luck regardless of what is decided.

  8. Great listen. You honestly know more about Ultima than most other people I know. I was a fan of the series until it started going off the rails post-EA, though most of my familiarity with it for a long time was Ultima III, which was also on the NES. You sound fine on the show. Due to my upbringing in Oklahoma, I sound like Sling Blade when I'm being recorded.

  9. Hardcore Gaming 101 podcasts are ridiculous, these guys have absolutely no idea about games outside your typical consoles particularly the ones that were popular in the USA. Try listening to anything even slightly more obscure, like Amiga games, and they quickly fall apart. CRPGs are so outside their competence, listen to the Might & Magic VI episode or even the Diablo episode, they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, and they only get a pass because most of their audience (your typical ZeldaMarioSega fans) is as clueless as they are. Ultima IV episode is not as annoying because the dude that's ignorant and dismissive of everything outside of his little nintendo and sega garden wasn't present. Still,

    1. ...Still, kudos for participating, it was fun to hear you actually talk. Greetings from a long time reader and lurker and first time commenter.

    2. Me and Tax work so hard and we still get no credit for repping PC games

    3. Fair enough, your voices may contrast the overall dismissive tone of the whole affair. I mean, I do apologise if I sound harsh, but it's just jarring to see your mainstreamio console games treated with respect and nuance whereas most everything else gets overlooked and glossed over. For Christ's sake, in the MM6 episode one dude recommended playing King's Field over MM6! In earlier episodes numerous European games get dismissed purely because the hosts don't have the nostalgia for them.

  10. As a long time fan of both this blog & HG101, listening to the Quest for Glory episode of Top 47k was a treat! I'll be checking out the Life & Times episode as well.

  11. A surprisingly long, yet interesting conversation!

    Your line of inquiry into Australian CRPG developers was an interesting one (as an Australian myself I've often wondered, but never really delved too deeply), but I have often wondered if it has mirrored the fashion world (an industry in which I once worked).

    Australia was always a season or 2 behind the Northern hemisphere, with fashions being led by trends in the UK, continental Europe and the US, and with even longer lead times in game development, it may have simply been easier to rely on and consume the output from abroad.

    This never really changed until the last decade or so where the online world removed this lag time, but as Richard said during your conversation, a lot of the local industry here was by then already devastated/destroyed by the GFC... all speculative of course!

    One Australian development that I have been keeping a loose eye on is this (I'm not sure if this falls into the Indie realm?). Promises something of a Mad Max/Fallout/Wasteland feel

    1. Australia is too small a market, always has been and unless the population increases ten fold, nothing will change. That´s not even mentioning the tyranny of distance and timezone.

  12. I just listened to the Hardcore Gaming podcast on Ultima IV. Very fun. To my ears, you (Chet) sound a lot like the religious historian Ryan Reeves. So much so, in fact, that I considered not mentioning it here in fear of accidentally identifying you. But Reeves talks about his kids from time to time and apparently lives in Florida, so I'm not too worried you're the same person. Anyway, the point is that your voice is great. If you'd like to compare for yourself, check out Reeves' YouTube channel.

    Also, in the HCG podcast, one of the hosts said that the UIII manual had mock-ups where the party was composed of canonical party members from UIV. That struck me as unlikely so I went and dug up my Apple IIe UIII manual. It turns out it's partly true! The first character is named Shamino, but I didn't recognize any other characters' names.

    Looking forward to the Pool of Radiance episode!

    1. I grant you there are some similarities in our voices. Otherwise . . . he's a devout Christian, has hair, and lives in Jacksonville. The only way he could be more opposite of me is if he was female.

    2. I thought you sounded quite a bit like Rob Zacny of Three Moves Ahead and Waypoint podcasts.

  13. It's always good to be critical of yourself and try to improve, but it's worth considering that your normal experience of an audio production goes through a lot of editing. You may have noticed on an NPR interview of an average person on the street, that they speak as though they are professional radio hosts. That's often an illusion created after the fact, I have a feeling you're perfectly fine at public speaking.


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