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We are the winners! |
Date Started: 22 February 2015
Final Rating: 33
Ranking at Time of Posting: 59% (105/177)
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The cut screen between planets and space. |
The game ended up being a lot more like MegaTraveller 1 than it seemed at first glance, first in the lame combat system, second in the almost non-existent character development, and third in the way that an economic barrier forces you to spend a lot of time on side-quests. The plot is arguably a little better in Space--needlessly elaborate, but not completely pathetic as in MegaTraveller.
As I last posted, I was preparing to leave Earth for Mars. This involved going to the spaceport (there's one on every planet; Earth's is on the Pacific coast of Asia) and purchasing an aether ship. Suddenly, the game's approach to the economy became clear. While my starting characters had plenty of money to buy weapons and equipment--at least 10 times what they seemed to need--they were vastly underfunded when it came to buying a ship. Even choosing the lowest-level specs, I was looking at 2.4 million pence against a pot of around 500K that I was carrying. (Most of the game's transactions are in pence, which are worth 240 to a pound.) I had only about a fifth of the required funds.
I solved it in the short term by selling King Tut's jewels, coincidentally for exactly 2.4 million; they must exist for precisely this purpose. This got me the lowest-level flyer, but it was enough to start exploring the planets.
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My first flyer didn't have much, but cost a bank. |
Space navigation is rather annoying. The solar system is large, you move very slowly, and it's difficult to find planets by just flying around, especially since they're in constant motion. Instead, you have a character with a high science skill (and preferably navigation equipment) identify a (c)ourse to the desired planet. The game gives you the course in terms of the constellation backdrop, which you have to cross-reference with a crude map in the game manual.
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A character plots a route. |
Unlike the planets, the constellations don't change positions. |
By following the star patterns, you get to the general area of the planet, and then you have to hunt for it. There's no danger during this process: there are no other ships in space (more below on planetary combat), there's no danger of colliding with anything, you have unlimited food on the ship, and the ship is solar-powered so you never run out of fuel. It's just boring.
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From the Earth to Venus. |
The solar system is ringed by an asteroid belt, through which an aether ship cannot pass, the logic being that if you go too far from the sun, the propulsion systems stop working. More on that in a bit.
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Baron von Gruber makes the mistake of revealing everything in a villain's exposition. |
This is a good time to mention that I mostly avoided combat throughout the game. Killing random mooks offers no rewards (except occasional weapons that you sell for small cash), no experience, and no character development, so it was easiest just to run past them and head right for the bosses. I made it a policy to fight anyone with a name, as they were the ones carrying needed keys and documents.
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A looted pass gets me through a door. |
I didn't describe the combat system in detail in my other posts, so I'll talk about it briefly here. (It isn't good or complex enough to be worth explaining in detail.) When you want to fight, you hit "F" and your single character icon immediately breaks out into five individual ones, scattered somewhat randomly, which was a frustration throughout the game. Combat begins paused, giving you a chance to cycle through each character and issue orders, including attacking, moving, reloading, and changing weapons.
Most of my reloads are from cases in which one or more characters were killed in combat. I found that just like in MegaTraveller, combat was so random that a simple reload would produce vastly different results. Other than the positioning of the characters (party members won't shoot through each other, so you have to give everyone a clear shot), I never felt that there were any tactics I could exploit to improve my chances. Since equipment and skills generally don't improve throughout the game (every weapon and armor item is available from the beginning, cheaply), combat remained at the same difficulty level from beginning to end, even with the ostensible "boss" enemies.
When you're not in "fight" mode, only the party leader takes damage from enemy shots. It's easy enough to pause after every bit of damage and just have someone skilled in medicine cure wounds repeatedly until the party leader is at full health again. Thus, you could walk (albeit slowly) through a room of attackers, never fire a shot, and suffer no permanent consequences.
2. The Ancient Alien. King Hattabranx thought I had been sent by Baron von Gruber to assassinate him. He revealed contempt for his German allies and said that the "Worm Cult" would crush the German conspiracy. After I killed Hattabranx, I found a "worm cult key."
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Directions were vague. I had to do a lot of digging. |
The Worm Cult turned out to be a bunch of lunatics--again, I ran past most of them while exploring the caverns--who worshipped an ancient alien named Kleuht Na Vriss. When I showed him that I had the Scrolls of the Ancients, he told me his story: he was a member of a race that inhabits Europa, Jupiter's moon. His people study human civilization, and he had lived on Earth for a couple hundred years. When he left to return to Europa, he crash-landed on the moon and befriended another cast-away, Professor Tereshkova. Eventually, he was abducted by Martian pirates, leaving his friend behind.
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This game is fond of long monologues. |
Kleuht Na Vriss suggested that we journey to Europa to learn the secret of his people. He suggested I start by seeking out Tereshkova on Luna.
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Blasting an enemy ship in the atmosphere. |
There's also the option to (l)ink with a damaged enemy and then (b)oard the ship. Naturally, this is what I wanted to do to rescue Thomas Edison, but the problem was I couldn't catch the Whisperdeath. It flew off at high speed the moment I approached. It soon became clear that Space 1889's equivalent of the $2 million "Jump 2" drive in MegaTraveller was a set of obscenely-expensive upgrades needed to improve my ship's speed and armaments. My ship had originally cost 2.4 million, and I ended up needing to spend something like 15 million to improve the engines and speed. This, in turn, meant running around to collect treasure and solve the side-quests that I'd been ignoring for most of the game.
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I don't deal in "roughly." |
At some point, I'd discovered that using lockpicks next to a chest causes it to open and dispense cash, so my first solution was to revisit all the castles, keeps, mansions, palaces, and museums and loot them. This got me around 1.5 million, and I solved some side-quests along the way that brought in another 2 million.
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Big rewards for a quick combat. |
With a ship able to chase down the Whisperdeath, I linked and boarded it, ran past most of the guards (I had to kill two in front of a door), and found Thomas Edison. He gave me the rest of the clues needed to get to Europa: I would need a special propeller, special fuel (he suggested ammonia), and a huge "glow crystal" from Mercury that would be capable of storing the sun's rays.
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I'll bet Tesla would have just given me some special "space coil" or something. |
The propeller came from Professor Tereshkova on Luna. When I showed him the emerald, he was overjoyed that Kleuht Na Vriss was still alive and happily gave me the propeller from Kleuht's crashed vessel.
The ammonia came from mines in Mercury's only city, Princess Christiana. That left the glow crystal. A bartender suggested I could find one on the banks of the "world river" on Mercury, but no matter how long I traversed the banks, I didn't see anything. Finally, after consulting the LP again, I determined that the counter-intuitive solution was to walk along the banks hitting (t)ake until the game told me that I found something.
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That was lucky. |
With the three items in my possession, the game outfitted my flyer automatically. I was now able to fly past the asteroid belt and to Europa.
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Alas, you hit an artificial barrier shortly after this. You cannot fly to Pluto. |
4. The Endgame. On Europa, I found the ruins of a saurian civilization whose inhabitants had deserted the moon when it became unstable. Evidence suggested that they had moved to Earth, which turns out to be hollow. The notes indicated that the saurians conceal the entrance to the interior of Earth via a hologram at the North Pole.
I returned to Earth and found the entrance to a set of caverns in Greenland. I didn't have to dig for it or anything, but later I confirmed that the entrance is not there at the beginning of the game.
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Entering the "city of Inner Earth." |
A long and pointless maze followed. Within it, a bunch of saurians congratulated me on being the first human to discover their lair:
After a long period of navigation, I reached a spacious chamber in which a member of Kleuht Na Vriss's species greeted me, calling himself Eoger Luirv. He's clearly different from the saurians, but the game didn't seem to explain that.
The endgame text was quite long, and I won't reprint it all. Basically, he congratulated me, saying that he's been waiting a long time for some humans to solve the mystery. When we asked about the power and immortality promised to us, he related that his species had been subtly (and, presumably, psychically) influencing key humans throughout history. Some of the "chosen" turned out to be Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Leonardo da Vinci, Christopher Columbus, King Tut, Confucius, and Ludwig van Beethoven.
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Eroica was clearly influenced by aliens. |
He went on to name some of the young people on Earth that they were keeping an eye on, intending to influence with knowledge and inspiration, including Albert Einstein, Mohandas Gandhi, and Franklin Roosevelt.
Perhaps you will be a popular sports figure whose talent and charisma encourages an entire generation of youth. Maybe you will be a small black child, born in poverty, who emerges as a leader of equality and human rights. You might be a noted writer, whose work inspires and entertains mankind for generations to come, or possibly you will become a world leader whose integrity and compassion will save mankind from power-hungry madness and aggression. Your accomplishments will live on forever. Yes, my friend, you will be rewarded with the greatest gift of all. Your spiritual essence will remain immortal, influencing and shaping the destiny of the world for ages to come. You are our chosen people... you are the winners!
Before we could protest that we wanted actual immortality, a little tune played and we were back at the DOS prompt. The final message was a little depressing. There are no actual heroes of human history, just a bunch of individuals influenced by aliens.
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At least one day, we'll get to be Michael Jordan, Martin Luther King Jr., and Barack Obama. Space 1889 is a game in which you must earn the right to role-play a black character. |
- 5 points for the game world. The tabletop setting is highly original--kind of a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen that beat the comic by a decade. It's rendered somewhat dull and lifeless in the CRPG version, but the the game still gets points for being the first steampunk-ish CRPG, and while the main plot more often than not strays to goofiness, it has enough original and fun ideas to make it work.
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The party rows through the sands of Mars in a special boat. |
- 3 points for character creation and development. The creation process is a lot of fun, but there's hardly any development during the game--just an occasional one-point skill bump (for a single character) for solving a side quest. At least half the skills appear to be useless.
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I think "Bargaining" only affects how much money you need to bribe people. |
- 4 points for NPC interaction. There are quite a lot of them, and interacting with them advances the game plot and imparts information and lore, but there are no dialogue options.
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I'm surprised Jules Verne isn't considered the god of this universe. |
- 2 points for encounters and foes. Foes are distinguished only between humans and animals, and you don't really ever have to fight the animals. Humans all behave the same way. There's no point to fighting. A few inventory-based puzzles are easy.
- 2 points for combat. Boring, trite, tactically-bereft systems for both ground combat and space combat.
- 4 points for equipment. A small selection of weapons and armor and a large selection of adventuring equipment that you mostly use to solve puzzles. The inventory does a decent job evoking the themes of the setting, with miner's helmets, lanterns, ropes, camping gear, and so forth, but the game loses points for not ever offering upgrades after the initial purchases. It gains a point for being one of the only CRPGs so far in my chronology with detailed item descriptions.
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Mid-game, Julian is carrying a medical book, mail, a water-breather, dynamite, detonite, navigation equipment, some other book, and a German uniform. |
- 3 points for the economy. It's very badly-balanced. You have too much money for most of the game, except a brief period when you're trying to afford the first set of flyer upgrades.
- 4 points for quests. The multi-staged main quest is okay, and the game gets credit for its many optional side quests. If they had been more than simple fetch-and-carry missions, this category would rate higher.
- 3 points for graphics, sound, and interface. The sound is really bad, consisting mostly of a constant rat-a-tat as the party moves, annoying enough that I played the game mostly with the sound off. Graphics are okay, but hampered by some bad contrasts, particularly in the game text. The interface is functional enough.
- 3 points for gameplay. The world is somewhat non-linear. After you have enough money to afford a flyer, you can visit the solar system at your leisure--it's just unclear why you'd want to do so. The plot, on the other hand, is extremely linear, non-replayable, and too long for the game's limited mechanics and content.
This gives us a final rating of 33, yet another 1990s game that hovers in the 30s, not quite crossing my "recommended" line. Paragon didn't create an awful game here, just a soulless one. Although you meet every major historical and literary figure of the period, the game never really evokes the spirit of Victorian science fiction or steampunk aesthetics. Moreover, with both Space and MegaTraveller, it doesn't feel like the developers bothered to do any research into the conventions of the genre. Most of their innovations create a worse gameplay experience than a boilerplate Gold Box title or Ultima clone.
Even in its time, ratings were mediocre. The best is an 87% from the January 1992 issue of CU Amiga. The author, Mat Regan, praised the setting but criticized the graphics and sound. "I wholeheartedly recommend it," he said, "for those searching for a game with an original concept and"--I am not making this next part up--"lashings of creamy playability and atmosphere."
Congratulations on another victory!
ReplyDeleteI'll choose to believe that the aliens can only nudge a human toward their ultimate potential, and are not 100% responsible for all the good things mankind has ever done.
Having played X-Men II as a kid at length, I would not call it an RPG at all. You can select a team of characters from the comics and then explore randomly-generated mazes until you find members of "Freedom Force", an enemy team also from the comics. You can fight in either "action mode" (a side-scrolling... awkward brawler thing) or a turn-based grid combat system.
ReplyDeleteSadly the grid combat is... dull. You can use "first attack" or "second attack" for each character, but there's no animations for this unless you're in the brawler mode.
So there's no character creation, no economy, no dialogue, one quest ("find the evil mutants in these mazes") and no equipment. I would call Paragon's "The Punisher" more of an RPG than X-Men 2 is.
I seem to recall playing that game and remember that Archangel & Cyclops are totally badass in them. Wolverine, on the rare other hand, sucks giant donkey ba- uh... right. Chet's gonna pop a vein if I continue.
DeleteAt last a platform that gets Wolverine right.
DeleteThat's because any character with a distance attack didn't get hit trying to attack the dinosaurs. Or other enemies. Close in fighters almost always guaranteed a hit on themselves just getting in to attack. Wolverine DID heal if I remember...he just took too long for it to be usefull. Uatu avoid that one since there really wasn't anything RPG in it anyway.
DeleteThere aren't too many Superhero RPGs, and of the few there are, most are MMOs. X-Men Legends are pretty enjoyable ARPGs and Freedom Force was nearly Icewind Dale with spandex, but the combat was just too unresponsive.
Delete@banshee - So says the X-Man who kills people softly with his voice. XD
Delete@Regina Sharpe - Yes, you're right. He did heal very slowly but I'd rather use Colossus since he takes a lot less and doles out a lot more damage in a melee fight.
@Tristan Gall - Precisely. Probably because it's gonna take a lot of processing power. For one thing, they operate on a scale that is so out of the norm that it is almost impossible to implement a set of rules for them.
Palladium's Heroes Unlimited rules were supposed to be great for this but anyone who've played it would know that it'd probably just end up like the Megatraveller CRPG.
Saint's Row IV is rather fun with its psuedo-superhero-cum-Matrix mix though. Also, since there's character progression as well, it's arguably a CRPG that Chet would have to play in the next few decades to come. XD
I couldn't deal with the fact that characters took that extra half second to respond to commands. It made combat feel clunky compared to other squad based RTS games.
DeleteI hear that there are some good rules for heroes out today: Champions has evolved into Hero system. There is also Mutants and Mastermind. The DV Heroes system was praised, but they lost that licence and I'm not sure what it goes by now. I've also heard that ICONS is quite good.
DeleteI like the general idea behind the story, it's disappointing that the rest of the game is not worth it. 1990 is almost over! There is still one Ultima game on the list - do you intend to play it as the last 1990 game or something? Save the best for last?
ReplyDeleteTo bad that this game is average :(
ReplyDeleteI like Victorian steampunk setting, but I dont know any JRPG with it.
I have only played Nostalgia for DS which was developed by Matrix Software.
Here is short description:
Taking place in an alternate reality steampunk version of the 19th century, the game follows Eddie, a London boy and son of a great adventurer as he and his friends travel the world in an airship in search of his missing father. The game features turn-based combat and aerial battles between the player's customizable airship, the Maverick, and enemy airships. The player's party, consisting of Eddie, the street urchin Pad, a witch named Melody and the mysterious Fiona were shown in early trailers to be traveling to such places as New York City, Cairo, Tokyo, Northern Europe and South America.
It was nice game, but have smaller game world, short dungeons in comparision to some great SNES or PlayStation One JRPGs.
Fullmetal Alchemist? https://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en-GB&gl=SG&v=rbLPJ5mSy1k
DeleteMixing tech and magic is very common in JRPGs. I don't know of any specifically Victorian rpgs, but games like Skies of Arcadia and FFVI have elements of it.
DeleteChet, I have to admire your stamina for enduring the doldrums between the releases of Ultima VI and Ultima VII. I don't think I could have done it. Take heart, Might & Magic III, Martian Dreams and Eye of the Beholder are coming up. Martian Dreams in particular is a fantastic forgotten gem.
ReplyDeleteThe comment about how Paragon acquired the license for these RPGs got me thinking. Is anybody from Paragon still around who would be willing to answer a few questions about the development process? Space:1889 and Megatraveller both seem like they had fantastic ideas which just fell on their face and exploded when it came time to implement them.
Is anybody from Paragon still around who would be willing to answer a few questions about the development process?
DeleteStrangely, it looks like Paragon, after being bought by Microprose and making the intriguing vampire-cyberpunk adventure/RPG Bloodnet, disbanded and its principle players established Take Two Interactive, perhaps best known as the publisher of the Grand Theft Auto games. So while these people are likely still out there in the industry, they're probably far too busy raking in cash hand over fist 8)
I really, really hope it's not the same people who brought us such forgettable games as MegaTraveler and 1889 that are now raking in that cash. It would invalidate all concepts of Karma and reaping what you sow.
DeleteIt's called "improving", Petrus.
DeleteThink about it; Traveller and Space have huge open worlds and their rpg elements are almost non-existant -- yet they seem to include huge mostly open worlds with a ton of repetitive side activities for making extra cash.
GTA is just a streamlined version of that.
Yeah. It's not frequent that a granny can enjoy beating up random passers-by with a baseball bat and bazooka out a helicopter.
DeleteBloodnet is kind of a silly game, but it is also awesome and I have replayed it several times-- never finished it, though: almost got to the end, but like Ultima 7, an important item disappeared. I looked the ending up, and it was a cliffhanger with no sequel, so no big loss.
DeleteBloodnet is notable for its time limit, which fits in with the mix of gothic horror and cyberpunk: The main character is turning into a vampire, but a piece of technology is repressing the condition. He still has a thirst for blood, though, and every time he consumes it, he loses a bit of his soul--but if you fail to die, you die. Thus, you must restrict yourself, but not too much, and move quickly, and also be careful about who you consume. I really like that system.
Congratulations again!
ReplyDeleteThe game did better than I expected, but I actually get the impression now that the story was somewhat entertaining. And while the execution was often flawed, the ideas were there.
About Pluto, that's an interest topic. In 1889, the existence of Pluto wasn't even known. When the game was created, Pluto was a planet, and today, Pluto is just one of many objects of the Kuiper belt. So in a way, the game gets it right by showing a sort of asteroid belt, of which Pluto would then be a part of. On the other hand, it seems the Kuiper belt comes immediately after Europa? That, of course, is then just wrong.
I believe the asteroid belt in the game is the one between Mars and Jupiter, rather than the Kuiper belt, and the thing keeping the player from going to Pluto is along the lines of an invisible wall. As far as the Kuiper Belt coming after Europa... well, in a universe where San Francisco is five minutes walking time from New York, perhaps such a thing is an inevitability.
DeleteNate is correct about the position of the asteroid belt.
DeleteWait, prof. Tereshkova is a HE in this game? That's hillarious!
ReplyDeleteI was thinking the same thing, but it's not really the right era for her to cameo - they probably just picked a random Russian name.
DeleteTereshkova is a female (last) name, anyway. A man of the same name would be called prof. Tereshkov.
Delete"lashings of creamy playability and atmosphere."
ReplyDeleteThere were some kids books about a group of detective kids called the famous five.
They were released in the 1940's but were read by kids into the 1980's.
They contain a lot of stuff that was normal in the 40's but bemused the 70's and 80's kids like the famous five celebrating the end of a case with 'lashings of ginger beer'. This was parodied on TV and became a national catchphrase.
Alternate possibility: If you Google "lashings of creamy" most of the results follow with the word "Philadelphia" (as in cream cheese), and most seem to come from Irish menus and cafe/hotel/restaurant reviews. The author has an Irish last name.
DeleteChunkations is almost right. It originally came from a Comedy Strip Presents sketch - 5 go Mad in Dorset, which gave us 'lashings of ginger beer'. This was then recycled in the Philadelphia adverts of the 80s and 90s with 'lashings of creamy philadelphia'. ... You probably had to be there, but it's imprinted in the minds of British folk of a certain age. I can't find the actual advert I'm thinking of, but this gives you some idea...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukv8xMnbDYg.
DeleteThe story seems inspired by the Wold Newton books: "the Wold Cottage meteorite, which fell near Wold Newton, Yorkshire, England, on December 13, 1795, was radioactive and caused genetic mutations in the occupants of a passing coach. Many of their descendants were thus endowed with extremely high intelligence and strength, as well as an exceptional capacity and drive to perform good or, as the case may be, evil deeds. The progeny of these travellers are purported to have been the real-life originals of fictionalised characters, both heroic and villainous, over the last few hundred years, such as Sherlock Holmes, Tarzan, Doc Savage, and Lord Peter Wimsey."
ReplyDeleteWell done Chester! Shame this one is so ho-hum.
ReplyDeleteCan anyone recommend a decent steampunkish rpg, other than the Ultima Dreams one? It seems a fun setting for an RPG, and it's a real breath of fresh air to explore worlds that aren't vanilla sci-fi or fantasy, shame it isn't done justice here.
- BobbleDog
If you have DS, try Nostalgia :)
If you have PC, try Arcanum XD
DeleteI think many JRPGs are at least pseudo-steampunk, eg FF VII.
Delete+1 for Arcanum. As long as you're cool with traditional fantasy elements in your steampunk. It's basically Shadowrun: 1896 on a different world.
Delete@Tristan Gall - I agree that there are quite a few steampunk JRPGs but I thought the FF universe is a magitech setting?
DeleteTrails in the Sky for PSP might fit the criteria. Happens in its own universe, though.
DeleteOh and the fantasy elements thing applies for Trails too.
DeleteThe alien dude in the top screenshot reminds me a lot of Eddie, Iron Maiden's mascot.
ReplyDeleteNow that I see it, I cannot unsee it.
DeleteUp the irons!
DeleteI like the goofy elements in this one. Also, ja, ve germanz always evil,ve even conquer ze hohl solar system, muhahaha.
ReplyDeleteI knew it... I always knew it.
Delete"...came from Professor Tereshkova on Luna. When I showed him the emerald, he was..." - I'm pretty sure that Professor Tereshkova should be "she", not "he" :) Probably named after Valentina Tereshkova, world's first female cosmonaut.
ReplyDeleteYeah, VK already said that, my Red bro.
DeleteMy bad. Last time I've read the comments it wasn't stated. Let it be a lesson for me: once decided to do something, do i right away :)
DeleteRegardless of whom the NPC was named after, I'm pretty sure the screenshot was of a guy.
DeleteThat's what she probably wants you to think.
Deletethe whole idea of the ttrpg this is based on is so great, it's absolutely a shame that the license was squandered this way.
ReplyDeletethough, the story seems sort of fun, at least, if nothing else. [and the character creation seemed cool, too.]
i'm just - in hindsight - grateful that no one ever really did anything with an equally strange [but fantastic] setting known as "castle falkenstein."
that's also from the 80's. also kind of in this same pulp-y, weird history style with some steamworks and magic obscura thrown in on top. lots of the "age of grand adventure" leanings.
ah well. i never read contemporaneous reviews of this one when it was current, but i did see the ads every now and then [and i recall seeing a "coming soon" in the one magazine i greatly enjoyed from that era - advanced computer entertainment/ace - who - at this point in the blog, you've bumped into before.] but the ads seemed mildly interesting and the setting /definitely/ had my attention.
[i'd very much like more victorian steampunk/magic victoriana games, please.]
I sometimes think about all the fantastic pixel art portraits done decades ago for games like this that were seen by a few thousand people at best (well certainly before they hit your review anyway). Like look at that Thomas Edison. Just a fantastic VGA portrait. And how many people ever made it to that point in the game to see it? Like 500? Suddenly I want to start using portraits from games like this as custom Baldur's Gate parties.