Pug and Gorath watch an alien sunset as this session begins. I normally offer a winning screen at the top of the "won" posting, but there isn't one.
This session begins at the opening of Chapter VIII: "Of Lands Afar." Gorath and Owyn have used the Book of Macros to teleport to a strange, alien world, looking to rescue Pug, who is searching for his kidnapped daughter. As we arrive, Owyn discovers that he cannot sense any magic, so he cannot cast any spells. He explains that as a magician, he doesn't actually possess any power: "All I know are a series of words and actions that help me gather the power, or manna, from the natural world. If, however, there is no manna for me to collect, then all of my magical training is futile. I'm powerless." Owyn speculates that Pug, wherever he is, must be in the same situation.
The overhead map shows a road nearby, so we head for that, walking past jagged crystals jutting from the ground. There's a hut alongside the road, looking from any direction except the one with the opening like a natural feature. It will turn out that the land has dozens of these. When we click on this one, we find a note from Pug addressed to Tomas (Pug had intended Tomas to respond to his S.O.S., but as you'll recall, Tomas is sick). Pug notes that the world shows signs of having been inhabited by Valheru, the ancient race of dragon lords whose power the Moredhel hope to reclaim. (Tomas inherited the power of a "good" Valheru in a series of episodes probably not worth explaining now, but that's why Pug refers to them as "your Valheru benefactors.") He also notes the presence of a violent race "greatly similar to the Pantathians," who the Valheru created.
The landscape is one of jutting crystals.
We soon run into these creatures, called the Panath Tiandn. They have fearsome sling and sword attacks. They're often accompanied by giant beetles called Nethermanders. For the first time in the game, I find myself using the "quick combat" option, as there's nothing much else to do but thrust away at them.
Panath Tiandn and their Nethermander allies.
It sucks that Owyn can't cast any spells (nor does his Lightning Staff work), but by this point in the game, he's not completely hopeless when it comes to melee attacks. A combination of attacks from Owyn and Gorath can often kill an enemy where Gorath alone cannot.
Owyn is sick of being pigeonholed as a spellcaster.
In his note, Pug says that he's going to search for Gamina in a ruin at the northern tip of the island, so we head there. Along the way, we search more huts, buried treasure caches (there are no chests here), and strange yellow or orange crystals, and we find dozens of piles of "raw manna." Owyn soon has hundreds of them. The description of the substance suggests it ought to be useful for casting spells, but I can't figure out how to tap into it.
We follow the road north, then east, and find a hut with another note from Pug to Tomas. He says that he hasn't found Gamina, but that he's learned this planet has transformed into crystal. He suspects that the old gods did it to drive away the Valheru. He says he learned things telepathically from the pillars in the northern ruins, but he warns us not to touch the central column.
Owyn's inventory starts to get crowded.
I head north and find these pillars, but owing to the fact that the landscape gets wonky when you get close to things, I don't think I find all of them. I have no idea which one is "central." I touch all the ones I can see. I don't fully understand the texts that follow, but the gist seems to be that we're on the planet Timirianya, which was devastated by the Valheru during their wars. To get the Valheru to go away, the old gods turned the planet's manna into crystals, then sealed themselves into the pillars, where they have been deteriorating ever since. The gods' leader, Dhatsavan, is in one of the pillars; he suggests the gods are holding Pug in captivity, but they'll free him if we recover the Cup of Rlnn Skrr.
One of the island's many "huts."
I guess the different pillars had effects on our attributes. I didn't notice until later.
Having no idea where to find this cup, I continue circling around on the road. We see a hut that we cannot get anywhere near, as it's surrounded by a magical field. Owyn surmises that's where Pug is being kept. We keep heading south, fighting numerous battles with the world's only two enemies (who hardly ever drop any treasure), searching huts, and collecting manna crystals. We used the spyglass to direct us to points of interest.
We find the Cup of Rlnn Skrr in a hut in the southwest corner of the map and bring it back to the pillar. It turns out that Pug took it from the pillars in the first place, thinking that he could use its telepathic powers to find his daughter. Instead, "it overwhelmed him and reduced him to little more than a hapless child," which is why the gods put up a protective barrier around him. Dhatsavan says we can use the cup to share spells between us.
This planet apparently doesn't like vowels.
We find Pug at the hut, and he basically tells us what's been happening all game: Makala has been supporting Delekhan this entire time, telling him that Murmandamus is alive, encouraging him to attack Sethanon, all in a ploy to lure the garrison away from the city. Makala wants to enter the caverns beneath Sethanon and access the Lifestone, an ancient artifact that—if I'm remembering the books correctly—holds the combined power of the Valheru and maybe could return them to existence? I'm not sure. If that's correct, I understand why the Moredhel would want it, but what is Makala after it for? In any event, it's not a bad plot twist, but it's one that requires deep knowledge of the lore to appreciate. I'm probably not fully appreciating it.
I'm grateful that Pug lays everything out, as I was honestly confused.
Pug and Owyn share the Cupp of Rlnn Skrr, which makes them each capable of casting the spells that the other knows, which makes little sense, as Pug should have access to literally thousands of spells that Owyn doesn't—spells that don't even exist in the game (to handwave this, the game makes some comment about Pug's "debilitated condition"). The ritual knocks them both out for two days.
Pug then joins the party and becomes the lead character (for purposes of narration), which pisses me off about as much as the ridiculous portrait that should have gotten somebody fired. He comes with a crystal staff, Macros's staff, 10 rations, a map of this part of Timirianya; it turns out we're on an island. With the sole exception of Casting Accuracy (120%), he has bafflingly bad statistics, far worse than Owyn, but again we're meant to think that he's not at his best. As the player, I'm glad to have him so I can finally free up some inventory spaces.
The greatest magician in the world, folks.
Gorath asks where we're supposed to go, and Pug wants to talk to Dhatsavan again, so we make our way back up along the road. Pug talks to the old god, recognizing him as a "cousin of Aal," the Oracle from our world who currently inhabits the body of a dragon. Dhatsavan, in turn, recognizes him as a friend of Macros the Black and offers news of Gamina: She is the prisoner of the Panath-Tiandn. To rescue her, we will need to "seek the old hordes [sic, I hope] of the Valheru." Pug notes that he's already explored the entire island except the southern end, and Owyn says we've already explored the southeast, so that leaves the southwest.
I've been summarizing the text, but I like to leave at least one reminder per entry that there's a lot of it.
As we make our way around the continent, I note that Pug can cast spells. After some experimentation, I discover that it's because of his crystal staff. Moreover, the crystal staff feeds on manna crystals, 100 at a time, and runs out of power once we've used an equivalent number of spell points. So though it seems like we had a lot of those crystals, I end up having to conserve them. Pug takes over as the spellcasting powerhouse of the party, leaving Owyn feeling a bit useless.
Making manna out of the crystals.
Nearing the southwest part of the map, I run into a problem: the game crashes. I reload, and it happens again. I circle the entire continent to come at the area from the east, but it happens there, too. Nothing I do will let me get near the area of this supposed Valheru "horde." The Dhatsavan warned that there might be magic defenses, and I wonder if the developers didn't choose to express those defenses in the most meta of ways.
The Valheru crafted the ultimate weapon.
Some Googling suggests that other players have had the problem, but none of their solutions (specify different DOSBox configurations, enter the area using the map only) work for me. Ultimately, I decide to hope that these special artifacts are not that necessary and I move forward. I find a cavern leading into the center of the island and enter a small dungeon.
Panath Tiandn await in the corridor.
After a couple of battles with Panath-Tiandn, we enter a large room where we are attacked by three Panath-Tiandn and two Wind Elementals. "We have made a grave mistake," Pug puns. Indeed, the Wind Elementals are entirely invulnerable. "Fetters of Rime" freezes them nicely, but I otherwise cannot damage them with a single weapon or spell. Inevitably, they come back to life and slaughter us all.
I've killed Wind Elementals with swords in other games. Just saying.
After leaving the game alone for a day, I remembered that I purchased it from GOG. Usually, when I buy games from GOG, I just play them using my existing DOSBox configuration so I don't have to change the configuration file to match my preferred settings. But I figured I'd try it with their bundled DOSBox version and configuration, and sure enough, that worked long enough to sneak into the area and get two caches of equipment. Between them, I find two sets of Valheru armor, which seems to be better than Dragon Plate, at least for elves; another crystal staff for Owyn; a scroll with "Drain Strength" on it; and a bunch of restoratives, herb packs, rations, and manna crystals. I guess "Drain Strength" must be the key item. I have to use the cup again to share it with both spellcasters.
We return to the caves. The battle is pretty easy from here. Pug and Owyn nail everyone with "Fetters of Rime." This drains us a bit, and Gorath takes a couple really bad hits from the Wind Elementals, so I spend a round having everyone chug restoratives to get back into shape. Pug and Owyn then start hitting the Wind Elementals with "Strength Drain." There's no visible sign that it's doing anything, but they both keel over after two castings, so it works. Thus, I'm not very frustrated with the chapter, but I don't like the idea of an enemy that can only be killed with one particular spell.
I'm not even sure why it kills them. Why doesn't it just leave them weak.
The end-chapter cutscene takes over immediately after the battle. Pug is glad to see Gamina alive in some kind of crystal prison. Gorath shatters it with his sword. As Pug and his daughter embrace, Gamina takes a hidden dagger from her belt and plunges it into Pug's back. He looks on, horrified, as blood pours from his mouth. She gloats, "This was the real Betrayal at Krondor."
I'm sure he'll be grateful later.
I feel like there are so many ways this could go wrong.
Wouldn't that be awesome? Alas, they just hug it out while Owyn fawns over Gamina. Pug nearly gives the boy a heart attack by telling him he's welcome to visit Stardock. Then Pug takes out a gem and announces that they'll be able to use it to teleport home, dropping off Gamina at Stardock before "attending to our business." Gorath asks, "We will go to join Prince Arutha?" Pug replies, "No, we shall go to Sethanon!"
We transition to Chapter IX: "Mad Gods Rage," which is a name of a spell that I have but never shows up in the list of available spells in combat.
The title kind-of makes sense by the end, but I still think they could have come up with a better one.
Back in Dimwood Forest, Locklear and James are mourning Patrus's death, although Locklear's insistence that "there was absolutely no chance that Patrus could have survived the blast. None" makes me think that the old man is definitely alive. The warriors see the portal activate and prepare for battle, but are astonished to see Pug, Owyn, and Gorath come through.
"And here we are in Sethanon! Wait . . ."
We spend a few screens in greetings while Pug catches up James and
Locklear on his theory about what's going on. He tasks them with
reporting to Prince Arutha, then teleports the three of us directly to
the caverns beneath Sethanon. Gameplay begins with the mandate to "Prevent Makala from reaching the Lifestone." I'm disappointed in the composition of the party in the final chapter. I would have rather the game come up with an excuse to remove Pug and replace him with Locklear or James.
I take a quick word count, note that I'm a few hundred shy of my usual target (2,500), and decide, "Screw it. Let's finish it in one entry."
As we move into the caverns, Pug gives us some background on the Lifestone, why Murmandamus wants it, and informs Gorath—who apparently didn't know—that Murmandamus was really a Pantathian, not a Moredhel. (I admit I had forgotten this, too.) Pug says he doesn't know what would happen if someone tried to activate the Lifestone, but given its history, it can't possibly be good. Pug doesn't think that Makala intends to destroy the world, "but his curiosity may lead to more trouble than he imagines." I hope this is the direction that the endgame goes—that this Tsurani magician engineered a war between two nations, killing thousands of people, just so he could mess around with the Lifestone to satisfy his own curiosity.
This late in the game, it still insists on putting these little narrations in front of each battle. We're fighting three dogs here, by the way.
I try immediately leaving—I really would like to go to a store—but Pug won't let us. There's a room directly ahead of us. We enter and are attacked by a couple of goblins with dogs. One of them has a key called Ward of Ralen-Sheb on his body, which opens the northern door out of the room.
I take an eastern door first and do my usual follow-the-right-wall thing. We follow corridors, hit dead ends, open locked doors, explore large rooms, swing over pits . . . and find nothing. Seriously, it's like 20 minutes before the next encounter with anything at all. The eastern part of the dungeon has absolutely nothing in it.
I think this is the first time we've seen cave giants.
The next battle is with a cave giant and three dogs, and it's tough because the enemies crowd the two spellcasters, knocking them perilously low in health before Gorath is able to kill them. This is followed almost immediately with a fight between three Moredhel warriors and a spellcaster, but we surprise them, and Owyn and Pug bring them down with "Evil Seek" in the first round. A few steps beyond them, a trapped chest detonates on us—this is where it would have been nice to have James—and I reload, hoping we don't need what's in it.
After another battle with two cave giants and some dogs, we find the chamber with the Lifestone and Makala—but it's not that easy. He's being protected by the same kind of barrier spell that protected Pug on the crystal planet. Pug surmises that there are six mages in the dungeon keeping it going—specifically, Delekhan's Six, who Pug believes are Tsurani mages disguised as Moredhel spellweavers. "Makala has played your ruler for a fool. Delekhan won't stand to benefit in the slightest from this raid."
"My 'ruler' is Aglaranna, jackass."
(I'm right at this moment in the game when Irene comes bursting into my office and tells me to look out the window. Goddamn if there isn't a bobcat—or maybe a lynx; we have a bit of a debate about this—prancing across the snow-covered yard in the middle of the day. I've never seen a bobcat outside of a zoo before. I hope he sticks around. Our squirrels have been getting cocky lately.)
We keep following the dungeon around, fighting a few battles with cave giants, Moredhel, and dogs. There are some final fairy chests (most with four-letter answers, curiously) with some sundries in them. We rest frequently. Owyn runs out of torches for the first time since the game begin, and we have to resort to casting "Candle Glow."
A late-game fairy chest.
The caves go down to a lower level. We meet another Wind Elemental, but he's alone, and we know how to deal with him. We go down a long hallway, turn a corner, and find a post at an intersection that reads, "The Six.." Nice of them to announce themselves.
You honestly took the time to erect a sign?
If any of the Six are really Tsurani mages, we can't tell at first. They present as Moredhel spellweavers, and the illusion does not disappear when they die. One of them eventually calls Pug "Milamber" (his Tsurani name), spoiling the illusion. In pre-combat text screens Pug gives them all the chance to stand down, but they all stupidly refuse.
Finding them in the large level is more difficult than killing them. Except for one, who has a Wind Elemental companion, they attack alone, making it moronically simple to deal with them: Hit them with "Fetters of Rime" right away, then have Gorath finish them off. Miscellaneous battles with wyverns in the corridors are harder than the Six. Some weird-looking thing called a Servitor of Lims-Kragma seems scary, but again, once you have "Fetters of Rime," no single enemy in the game poses any difficulty. More enemies should have been immune, I guess.
A typical battle with one of the Six.
Equally pointless are the dozen or so locked doors on the level, all of which open with the same key. It's not that I want to be picking locks this late in the game, particularly since Gorath sucks at it, but make something a challenge or don't include it.
With the Six slain, we make our way back to the chamber with the Lifestone. I rest, fully heal, and buff with everything I have before approaching the Lifestone chamber.
The Oracle of Aal, who was supposed to be protecting it, is lying feebly on the floor; apparently, Makala has an amulet that saps the dragon's strength. "He is in the process of disabling the last of the defenses which ring the Lifestone," the dragon warns. Pug asks Gorath to stay behind and guard the dragon while he and Owyn rush forward to confront Makala.
You got a depilation spell in that spellbook?
In the subsequent conversation, Makala makes some good points: Pug was unnecessarily uninformative after the Battle of Sethanon, despite the fact that Tsurani troops participated in the battle (and were killed) and despite that fact that Pug is supposed to have some loyalty to the Tsurani Empire as well as Midkemia. Makala's scheme wasn't exactly done with the permission of the Assembly, but it wasn't discouraged, either. The Lifestone threatens all nations, all worlds, and ought to be studied or destroyed, not left alone under the dubious protection of some guards.
Makala makes his case.
Pug counters these justifications, but not convincingly (in my opinion). Makala then moves to destroy the Lifestone, which Pug and Owyn intercede. Thus begins the final battle of the game, Pug and Owyn against Makala and two Dreads—demon-like creatures who can cast fireball and lightning spells. Owyn starts behind the Lifestone, so he can't do anything for the first round. Fortunately, the dreads being spellcasters, they're not interested in getting close to either of the characters, and the final battle really is an all-magic battle.
The final battle.
I do try not to do the obvious. I experiment with spells I haven't used much before. But after a couple of character deaths, I go with Plan A: hit them all with full-powered "Fetters of Rime" and then take my sweet time. "Flamecast," "Evil Seek," blasts from the Staves of Macros (oh, yeah, Owyn found his own Staff of Macros somewhere in the dungeon). They all have a lot of hit points, but "Fetters" has them paralyzed for something like 20 rounds. They fall eventually. Just for fun, I kill the last dread by poking it with staves.
Owyn strikes the killing blow. If you're having trouble parsing the image, the Dread is behind the Lifestone.
Pug and Owyn are looking over Makala's body when they hear noises from the chamber outside. Delekhan has arrived. He attacks Gorath, but Gorath successfully fends off his blows and knocks him to the ground. Responding to the call of the Valheru spirits in the Lifestone, Delekhan gets up and runs for it, with Gorath just behind. They both reach for the sword at the same time. If you don't know what sword I'm talking about, I'm confused, too, until I open up A Darkness at Sethanon again and remember that Tomas defeated the returned Valheru lord Draken-Korin by thrusting his golden sword (a Valheru artifact) through the Valheru and into the stone. I guess I just didn't remember that it stayed there permanently.
Gorath doesn't even look like he's trying.
Anyway, Gorath and Delekhan struggle over the sword while Pug shouts that the Valheru souls are slipping free. "We will have to kill them both," he says. I think he means the spirits, but in the following cut scene, it's clear that he means both Delekhan and Gorath. [Ed. I should have originally said here that Gorath agrees with the decision, as he's struggling and "Can't hold him."] Pug and Owyn both blast them with magic from their staves. There's an explosion and they're gone.
There should be blood and gore flying out of this.
Owyn is devastated: "We killed him. He came to the Kingdom to warn us and we killed him." Pug is as big a dick as he could possibly be at this moment: "Don't be petulant, Owyn. This isn't the time for it." He tries to backpedal, explaining that "Gorath was dead the moment he touched the sword," and that the Valheru would have overtaken him if they hadn't killed him. His initial reaction is still enough to make me not want to read a book with Pug in it again.
The last image of the game, looking an awful lot like the tattoo on my right arm.
The final text screens transition to the battle outside. Moraeulf, Delekhan's son, is fighting a losing battle against Arutha's forces when a runner approaches and says that Delekhan has captured Arutha. The Moredhel gather below the battlements to see not only Delekhan but Murmandamus, gaunt and malnourished by his years imprisoned but alive, standing over Arutha. Murmandamus brandishes a golden sword and tells his people that Delekhan's plan was victorious, and that they've finally found the sword of prophecy. He's just about to behead Arutha when Pug appears, riding a dragon. The dragon swats both Murmandamus and Delekhan from the battlements, killing them instantly. Moraeulf retrieves the sword, proclaims himself leader of the Moredhel, and calls the retreat, seconds before Narab shows up and stabs him through the eye, claiming the sword as his own. They march away, Narab satisfied that his rivals are dead, fantasizing about taking the throne of Sar-Sargoth and killing Gorath's wife.
It's mostly an illusion, of course, conjured by Pug, who miraculously stopped being "debilitated" just in time. Delekhan is recently dead, and Murmandamus really did die at the end of A Darkness at Sethanon. Narab has marched off with a worthless sword, which he will soon realize, and the Moredhel will be demoralized for a generation.
The final screen of the game is, characteristically, a lot of text.
Owyn asks, "What about the Tsurani," and Pug replies, "I shall have to talk with them," an answer I find far too insufficient given what's happened. Everyone talks a bit about how to keep the secret of what's below Sethanon. Arutha says that if he tells James and Locklear just not to ask, they won't like it, but they'll obey. He leaves Owyn—one of six people who now knows everything—to Pug. Pug tousles his hair and suggests that Owyn become a student of magic at the Academy in Stardock, to which Owyn says, "I've never wanted anything else." That's the last line of the game. We go back to the title screen with no final congratulations screen or image or anything, which is a bit of a letdown.
In my ending, Owyn says. "I don't know, I think maybe I'm too petulant for the Academy" just before blasting Pug with a fully-powered "Fetters of Rime." While Pug stands there frozen, Owyn drops the Staff of Macros at his feet and says, "Anyway, I'm already an archmage." He saunters away, heading for the nearest tavern.
Seriously, the final chapters were a bit of a letdown: too linear, too scripted, and (for the final chapter) too easy. Having to track down the six mages spread across a dungeon level just felt like padding in a chapter that was paradoxically a bit short.
But of course my feelings about the game overall are positive. There's a lot more to say in the "Summary and Rating," coming up soon.
Final time: 72 hours
Final dungeon syndrome strikes again.
ReplyDeleteBtw, bobcat is a species of lynx, so you're kinda both right.
Congrats on completing BaK! This was that one game for me, the one that I used to help my dad play back when I was around eight or nine (mostly I tried to solve the chest riddles while he played), and as a result I tend to look at it through nostalgia glasses, but it was my favorite CRPG for a long time (until around the time the first Baldur's Gate was released), and, as is probably obvious due to how much I've commented during this playthrough, still one of my favorites.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I do acknowledge its weaknesses. Specifically in these last two chapters, the whole Timirianya seems randomly shoehorned in, and feels like something that a developer came up with early in the process to refer to some bigger lore about the Valheru in the universe, but then never really connected to the main plot in a satisfying way. The world itself has good atmosphere for a post-apocalyptic magical wasteland, but is otherwise pretty uninteresting. And the last chapter feels like they were up against a release deadline and had to throw something together, and as a result it's a bit unsatisfying (I was more interested in the moredhel politics in the last text cutscene than I was in the Makala plotline wrapping up) (also it was Narab, not Danab, though the font is so flowery that I can understand why you misread it).
Plus the Pug portrait is, bar none, the absolute worst in the game. Almost all the other portraits, even the bad ones, have their charm, but his is just awful. It looks like they threw a wig onto Rowan Atkinson.
There is a crystal staff or two in some random houses in Chapter 8, so Owyn doesn't have to be hobbled, but it sounds like it didn't end up hurting things much to lose his spells. And speaking of spells, if you continually use the Cup, you'll end up learning a new spell every time, and eventually you can get Owyn and Pug to have all the spells in the game (with the cost of six rations, two per character, for each use). Not that it matters a whole ton at that point, but it's fun to have.
In any case, I look forward to seeing the rating!
Speaking of portrait, I await Chet's encounter with Stonekeep's Ice Queen with bated breath.
DeleteIndeed, you could have found a crystal staff for Owyn and an overhead map in huts way before freeing Pug, it would have made the experience maybe a bit more fun. From a design point of view, I like the idea of making a powerful resource (spellcasting) that the player could use freely suddenly more limited so you must choose when and how to use it. But yeah, with open worlds you can sometimes miss basic elements and make the game a lot more difficult/frustrating/boring as a result. Anyway it doesn't matter as you said, there wasn't much real challenge on the alien planet and the "Six" were laughably easy to take one by one.
DeleteHeeeei, Stonekeep is deliberately "so bad it's good", no? Its unapologetically unashamed of how trash it is in department of acting and costumes, no? =)
DeleteI, for one, found the sudden new mechanic (limited "bullets" for magic, so to speak) quite a fresh thing, which, appearing in the late chapters of the game, offered something new, making you adapt your tactics just when you "got it all figured out".
DeleteWow, I had forgotten about that part. This is the ice queen, https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/stonekeep/images/5/59/Icequeen.png
DeleteShe's hot, for an Ice Queen. She definitely doesn't fear the cold.
DeleteWow. Costuming by Hanes.
Delete"It looks like they threw a wig onto Rowan Atkinson."
DeleteThis was my thought exactly! That plus the name (not the game's fault there though) and there's just something off about the character all around. Having been disappointed before in what an adaptation did to My Favorite Character in things, it makes me wonder how book fans felt.
It would actually be hilarious if it really was Rowan Atkinson in the pictures all along :)
DeleteCongrats on another classic down. I'm glad to hear you got some enjoyment out of it in contrast to the rather unspectacular shareware games recently.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the real betrayal is pug killing gorath….
ReplyDeleteOhhh good theory!
DeleteMy memory doesn't have Pug being such a dick in the ending, I had thought Gorath died stopping Delekhan not from friendly fire, and the line being something like "He came to warn us and died, he sacrificed himself for us.". I like my memory's interpretation of the ending better, since wow that was cold even if probably true to the books that touching the sword means you're doomed.
ReplyDeleteMy memory mercifully offered me an account of Gorath urging Owyn to do it, claiming he is unable to hold evil Valheru's will for much longer...
DeleteThe whole scene does come off a bit better in the book: Pug isn't such a dick, and Gorath gets a bit of a wake afterwards. Owyn, instead of jumping at the chance to go to Stardock, is a lot more ambivalent about magic after killing his friend, and basically gives it up after this, which is why he never shows up again in future novels (to my knowledge).
DeleteSpeaking of the novel, Chet, I'd recommend you read it before your final post if you can. It's got a slightly different take on events, and comparing it to the game is interesting.
Lorigulf, your memory isn't wrong, and I should have recounted it in the summary. Pug says "We will have to kill them both," Owyn objects, and Gorath says: "You MUST...Owyn...evil...Can't fight it...HIM much...Longer. Can't hold him...." I'll edit the entry.
DeleteAn interesting one to read about, I'd heard a lot of praise for it over the years, but I never got around to playing it myself. After reading this, I don't think I would have held it in such high regard. Seems like the earlier chapters were the best of the bunch.
ReplyDeleteI remember all the pain I've felt when you hypothetized Gorath maybe being the real traitor at Krondor, what with what Oracle of Aal said about him. So painful, when you already KNOW. It is, still, one of the most painful stories in games for me, easily rivaling one well known death in Final Fantasy 7... Come to think of it, Owyn being so little affected or angry at death of someone he got so close with seems a bit OOC. I mean, their travels together brought them to almost "no-homo guy life partners" stage. Owyn at least giving Pug a hearty punch with his newly-trained Strength would suit the story more.
ReplyDeleteSo where is the mad gods rage? I think the whole overarching plot of Feist's work deals with a mad god, but I think that only comes up in later books. I believe Pug riraghnyyl xvyyf uvz ol qebccvat gur zbba bagb uvz.
ReplyDeleteI find the chapter eight kind of weird, as somehow the magician Makala was able to magically entrap Gamina on this magic-less planet; and then Pug magically teleports out. Also, why would a smart character like Pug venture alone into a magic-less world? I'll agree with the assessment that the last chapters were rushed.
Yeah, that last chapter title doesn't make a lot of sense. There isn't even really a god, let alone a mad one. Maybe it's supposed to refer to the trapped Valheru?
DeleteAnd yes, the effortless teleportation is a nice plot convenience but doesn't fit well with the established rules.
DeleteFeels like maybe there would've been some room to use this to handwave why Pug's stats might be worse than Owyn, even if Owyn had been powerlevelled: "This world is so hostile to magic that only great wizards like Pug or Makala can cast spells at all! Sucks to be you, Owyn." Though that still has the problem that you're taking away the power that the player has been spending the whole game accumulating.
DeleteIt wouldn't solve the problem of why Owyn is stronger than Pug in the final battle, either. Maybe Pug has to save some strength for some super-duper spells like that illusion that don't get used in-engine? Or, uh, for the effortless teleportation? Why am I trying to fix the plot holes myself?
Mad God?
DeleteI met a mad god once. He took my eye and sent me to a tower.
I hate towers. Last one was an endless maze after I fought the Mad God.
Mad God?
I met a mad god once ...
@matt, honestly, the "effortless teleportation which shouldn't happen based on the rules" would have been a good enough spot to fix it -- make it not even remotely effortless, so much so that his abilities are a fraction of their potential until he's had more time to recover
DeleteIt reminds me a little of how in D&D lore Elminster (which I guess is the Forgotten Realms's Pug) went low-level for a while because he had to hide the goddess Mystra
DeleteThe spell Mad God’s Rage is probably just on one of the sigils that you never check.
It basically spams Skyfire until every enemy is dead or the caster collapses. Not working indoors is what keeps it from trivializing the endgame combats.
Congratulations on having experienced this fascinating, heart-wrenching, mechanics rich game! I understand that tastes differ, but for me personally it is one of the most beloved, if not the MOST beloved game; hope you give it a good rating!
ReplyDeleteAlso, in case you are perhaps in the mood for a little unsolicited advice: maybe it would be good to seek out and listen the soundtrack music from the game - it is, in fact, very memorable and interesting melodically, on par of the "real" non-gamey music by "real" composers IMO. I know that you dislike hearing music AS you play, but music of BaK is really good, a treat on its own. (And in case you don't like it from the start, you can always shrug and not listen to it after all)
I wholeheartedly second this recommendation: BaK has one of the best CRPG soundtracks for its era, with not a bad track in the entire bunch (the weakest is probably the ambience that plays in a dungeon, but that's mostly because it's the same for all dungeons and it gets a little old).
DeleteEvery menu town in the game has its own little track, and they all fit very well: Krondor is grand and bombastic, Romney is peppy and upbeat (with a dissonant undercurrent), LaMut is quirky and curious, Northwarden and Highcastle are rigid and martial. Even the two Northlands towns (Sar-Sargoth and Armengar) are hostile in different ways: Sar-Sargoth's is orderly and grim -- perfect for an enemy's capital city covered in snow -- while Armengar's is chaotic and shifting, a fantastic track for an occupied city where the fires of war still burn in pockets. The two zones that have outdoor tracks, the Northlands and Timirianya, both have appropriate ominous ambient music, but the better in my opinion is the track for the Northlands: slowly pounding drumbeats scattered under various musical riffs that never coalesce into an actual melody. It *sounds* cold!
There's even a bit of humor in some of the tracks: Owyn's lute playing has several variations depending on how high his Barding skill is, and the bad ones are riddled with beginner mistakes that I find pretty funny. NPC's also have tracks, and while they aren't all unique for each NPC, they normally fit the character of the NPC or the mood of the situation quite well.
But the most memorable track, bar none, is the opening title track. To this day my idea of a medieval fantasy is accompanied by this track. Grand and adventurous, the melody recurs several times in different forms (my favorite variation is the town theme for Cavall Keep, which takes this same adventurous theme, tweaks it a bit, and places it in the context of a cozy mountain village, transforming its feel while maintaining that melodic continuity within the larger game).
If BaK's music was ever recorded by an actual orchestra, I think it would rival some of the best fantasy soundtracks out there. Even in MT-32 form it's still really great, and I sometimes mod in tracks from BaK into other games (I especially love dropping it into Elder Scrolls games: nothing makes getting attacked by wolves or bears in Skyrim better than the BaK battle theme pumping you up for it).
Yeah, I kinda like it a bit.
Agreed the soundtrack is great, but how could you not mention Malac's Cross? https://archive.org/details/bak-ost/16+Malac's+Cross.flac
DeleteYes, the opening track is one of the few of this era that I will sometime look up in youtube to listen.
DeleteAnd the shops music is a supremely comfy and chill tune, really driving home the idea of a moment of respite from the dangerous wirld outside.
Believe it or not, the music, that tiresome, clichey and lazy pop renaissance that is so present in rpg games, is one of the things that I bounced back hard from in this game, to the point I did the good old playing my own music.
DeleteNo, really. I hate that style that is chosen, by default, in all the fantasy games (or "realistic" as Kingdom Come Deliverance). My boyfriend is very much into Elder Scrolls online and I entered in almost a rage state when he ended up in a town and I had to listen another of those minuets from a random bard.
Give me proper medieval. Or give me heady renaissance, like Tomas Luis de Victoria. Or give me jazz influenced tunes like what Keplacki was delivering in Westwood. Or give me electronica. Just not clichés, and please, God, please, not another Jeremy Soule variation on the Morrowind theme.
Thanks, you know I like to rant randomly.
Congrats on the win, I've got some good chuckles out of this one, like relegating the greatest magician in the world to a pack mule, or the suggestion that Patrus must still be alive.
ReplyDeleteI never mustered the perseverance to reach the later stages of this game, so it was interesting to read about, and I'm looking forward to the rating as everyone else.
Somehow I skipped a paragraph when reading and I got to your "I don't know, I think maybe I'm too petulant for the Academy" / "Anyway, I'm already an archmage" part and thought briefly that was the actual ending.
ReplyDeletebroncolinschen and congrutalititionsch
ReplyDeleteI kind of felt bad for the Moredhel in the end. Sure Delekhan was a tyrant, but his warlike ambitions were encouraged from the lies Makala fed him. He ends up throwing away thousands of his countrymen's lives in the battle for Sethanon for no purpose whatsoever. The ending showing their leaders being obliterated and their morale crushed is probably supposed to be satisfying and uplifting, but it strikes me as too easy and a bit one-dimensional. Especially given the sharp dialog between Cullich and Gorath in Chapter 4 that emphasizes they're not mindless pillagers but a downtrodden people still struggling with their place in the world.
ReplyDeleteI agree. There was a lot more complexity to the Moredhel in earlier chapters. On the other hand, they're the primary adversary of the setting (at least up to this point), so I can't imagine that the developers had a lot of rope to create new canon.
DeleteAye, the Moredhel felt they fell rather into the always chaotic evil species, aside from the rare exceptions. I was hoping for a bit more
DeleteI, for one, am quite aboard with the idea of Moredhel and Eledhel being two cultures/worldviews of the same ethnos ("race"), not two ethnosoi; it is quite a novel picture to have not only "different cultures = simply different views, no one of them is actually evil", but an "actually evil" culture. I mean, Spartans threw little kids from the cliff, and Aztecs captured so many of neighbour tribes for human sacrifice fodder that everyone cheered when Cortez sacked them, no? it is not simply "different", it is utterly inhumane - and this in a world with no (confirmed) evil gods! There is a world of difference between "we are following different gods and have different customs" - and "we will capture your people to make human sacrifices". So it would not seem all that unbelievable that being freed from evil masters, a moredhel stops being a moredhel... But, swearing a personal unbending fealty to Eledhel queen as THE ONLY alternative??? Like, change a bad master for a good master, but master still? Could they not have option to evolve into glamredhel instead, for example, or simpy "-dhel" without allegiance?
DeleteThe Moredhel should've become Lessdhel.
DeleteOK while I'm doing this thing, I think that if Delekhan wanted to free his buddy from the Kingdom prisons, he should've applied for a writ of Murmandamus.
I have thoroughly enjoyed this epic walkthrough of one of my childhood favourite games!
ReplyDeleteOn elementals in Feist’s world, they dying does kind of make sense: Lbh svaq bhg va gur obbx Cevapr bs gur Oybbq gung ryrzragnyf va Srvfgf jbeyq, fhpu nf jvaq ryrzragnyf, pna or xvyyrq fvzcyl ol gurz gbhpuvat gur tebhaq. Creuncf guvf vf jung 'qenva fgeratgu' rffragvnyyl qbrf, jrnxraf gurz gvy gurl gbhpu gur tebhaq, gura qvr.
Regarding Makala, he is very like a character called Tapek in the Empire Saga (you should read for sure!). Since Black Robes can act on their own accord, they don’t necessarily have to have the endorsement of the full Assembly in order to take action - such as trying to steal the lifestone.
The presence of Dreadlords at the battle plays into some future books as well, Arneyl pregnvayl Znxnyn jnf na hajvggvat ntrag bs gur znq tbq, Anyne tvira gur cerfrapr bs gur Qernq ng gur svany onggyr.
Thanks! That additional context really helps.
DeletePug's portrait always reminds me of Edmund Blackadder, in the first season of the same series.
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or is the ending kind of a hasty, jumbled mess?
ReplyDeleteThat sword thing comes out of nowhere, suddenly to understand the ending you need more that only makes sense if you know the books (or if you accept the sword as kind of a "negative deus ex machina" thrown in right at the tail end of the game), having Pug suddenly as the main character also is more appealing to fans of the books than for someone who comes into that game cold... etc (at first I thought "well maybe it would be akin to a Lord of the rings game where the player got to play as incredibly powerful Gandalf the White near the end, but that comparison doesn't work; in LotR, Gandalf is introduced right at the start, and while it's implied he's quite powerful he isn't All-powerful (yet); here, Pug remains in the background for the first few chapters, everyone just keeps telling you what an awesomely powerful guy he is, and when you finally get to play him, he's pretty much weaker than the character you were in charge of for most of the game. It's kinda like all hype with little payoff.)
I enjoyed the majority of the writing in the beginning, but towards the ending it seemed to unravel; I suppose the developers had to rush things quite a bit to get the last two chapters done in time for release. It would also explain why BaK is a game that many that I know having played this have fond memories of, but only a few of those have actually seen things through to the end and finished it. It starts very strong, and while certainly not ever really becoming bad, it eventually overstays its welcome.
I'd say it's easy for a designer to fall into the trap of thinking that every player has also read the designer's favorite book. I'm frankly impressed that all of the D&D games (Gold Box, Dark Sun, and so forth) are fully understandable for people who haven't read the respective books. At least, as far as I remember.
DeleteI was also scratching my head at these last couple entries. I only ever played the first couple of chapters before finding myself in over my head, but the appeal was in the very carefully-designed, richly-detailed and small-scale stories/quests of all these little hamlets and towns, with darker intrigues clearly afoot. It really seems to get "big and empty" once it's blown up to cosmic scale and the story is gradually shifted to revolve around characters you haven't really spent all that much time with. Clearly it would have to play better if you've read the books... but just reading the entries, all the Tsurani, Makala, Lifestone, Valheru, crystal planet stuff really is a bunch of interchangeable gobbledygook to me. (And I feel confident that the issue is the game's narration, not our host's!)
DeleteI guess there's more excuse than usual here, since the concept was "make a game set in Feist's universe," and it's maybe unusual that the game was so good that it became popular among people who weren't Feist-heads.
DeleteBut it does seem kind of like, Lord of the Rings has only been published up to the last couple chapters of Fellowship. In Betrayal at Parth Galen you play Eomer, riding around fighting orcs and doing other missions and the like. When the big scene with Boromir and Frodo happens, it blows the Tolkien fans away, but if you never heard of Boromir or Frodo or the One Ring before, it doesn't pack the same punch.
Chet's Owyn has higher stats than Pug but he is far from the average player for this game. Remember how he did the Nalar's rib segment by just killing everything?
DeleteI think matt's analogy works perfectly here.
DeleteI love the cross-media narrative of it, but you also need the story to be standalone. This would have been a very different telling by Chet if he hasn't read the books aforehand!
DeleteAs with the sword, this needed a little in-game context too
It was a lot of fun to read whole playthrough, this is IMHO the best fantasy cRPG before Baldur`s Gate and I really hope this would show in GIMLET and BaK will make it to TOP 5.
ReplyDeleteNow that the game is over, I want to give a recommendation that you check out the BaK Help Web, currently located at dimwood.net. It's one of (if not *the*) most comprehensive guides on a single game that exists online, with full interactive maps, a full transcript (yes, *all* the text, probably; that part's been "under construction" for 26 years), and even a screenshot and stats on *every single combat*. People have posted a few links from there as comments here and there, but the whole website is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to do a replay, and it's also a great resource if you just need to look up various things you missed in your own screenshots or notes.
ReplyDeletePlus the whole thing is so Web 1.0 that it's kind of beautiful in its own way.
Wow. That is the most web 1.0 site I've seen in *years*. What a gem!
DeleteCongratulations for coming to the end of this epic journey started in August of last year.
ReplyDeleteFor your final entry, I'm sure the 'Krondor Confidental' posts as well as the Digital Antiquarian's article, both already mentioned by other commenters, will provide a lot of material, as might the dimwood website Wild Juniper has pointed to.
Since I don't know if they are included or linked to in the above, I'll just mention two small bits I found interesting: a short video clip by Neal Hallford on the occasion of BaK's 30th anniversary in 2023 revealing which actors he was thinking of when creating some of the characters and a page on the gog forum for BaK where people mention a couple things about the game (content) they find interesting and which maybe not everybody knew already.
There is also an episode of "The Retro Hour" with Hallford from 2021, but haven't listened to it, so don't know if it contains any additional noteworthy facts.
I think that if the final chapter was harder, you would have used the excuse "But the game designers could have had mercy on the player and make it easier after all those hours!" - and, I think, would be right. I think with the final boss, it is better to err on the side of ease, particularly in a long game.
ReplyDeleteI am going to not really worry about spoilers for a completed game, or a book series that was finished (barring a novella) over a decade ago.
ReplyDeleteThe time of creation predating the Valheru was known as the Time of the Mad God's Rage, when Rythar and Mythar the two blind creative forces (creation and destruction) spun the universe out of nothing and created the Valheru in the process. If it doesn't get mentioned in Silverthorn it does for sure in A Darkness at Sethanon.
One thing that really made me appreciate Feist more as an author is that he acknowledged and made BaK Canon. He has re-written a few of his older works (Magician going from being one book to being two split over Magician:Apprentice and Magician:Master being the best known ,but he updated passages from the Empire Trilogy with Janny Wurts as well). Re-reading them now Makala has been retconned to be one of the Warlord's pet Black Robes (along with Ergoran, Elgohar, Tapak,and a few others). Which implies that his desire to study the Lifestone is less from a position of protecting Kelewon and more from a desire to get back at Milamber (Pug) whose actions allowed the changes instigated by Mara of the Acoma to come to fruition.
In A Darkness at Sethanon it is revealed (before many later retcons) that the Lifestone's purpose was to allow the Valheru to defeat the gods. It would do this by draining the lifeforms of every living being on Midkemia. All of that power would transfer to the Valheru and drain the gods source of worshippers at the same time. The Valheru would then go to other worlds and steal species and treasures to bring back to repopulate Midkemia. During Tomas's battle with Draken-Korrin it was partially activated and Tomas's sword through it was theorized as the only thing keeping it from activating. So when Gorath and Delekhan touch it,a real risk of killing the entire planet occurs.
Also,Tomas had Macros aid in retaining his humanity. Gorath or Delekhan touching the sword would have been akin to a possession by a Valheru,who would have then been able to run around and activate the Lifestone as well.
Pug's model sucked. He is described everywhere in the books as having curly black hair and a beard.
Reading Krondor Confidential gives a lot of explanation to Owyn and why he never shows up again,but I will let Neal Halford's words stand by themselves.
It's possible to get necklaces that allow you to cast two spells per turn. Last fight Fetters of Rime and Skin of the Dragon, next turn Evil Seek, heal to full with potions, Evil Seek again. Rinse and repeat.
I am sure there are many more things I wanted to touch on,but typing out long responses on mobile sucks
Congrats on finishing BaK! I'm still re-playing this although many other games demand my time. Folks gave lots of other great input already, so I'll just say that regarding Pug not showing loyalty to the Empire, he states very clearly in the books that he is able to set aside the magically-induced loyalty to the Empire at will, which is part of what makes him such a terror - he can be justice without mercy (as he was at the ill-fated Warlord's games).