Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Camelot (1982) Guidebook Finished by Game's Author

Excited about the renewed interest in Camelot from my series of 2019 entries (beginning here), author Joshua Tabin has developed a 101-page guidebook to the game.
The book walks you through setting up a Cyber1 account so that you can play Camelot and other PLATO games. It includes a quick history of the PLATO series, with screenshots. The bulk of the manual is tips, tricks, and instructions for navigating the game, including the full text of the in-game manual; lists of monsters and equipment; and full maps of all 10 levels (there's still plenty for you to annotate). 

This is a great opportunity for any reader who's thought they'd like to try one of the PLATO games.


And one other random announcement while I have you: I finally updated my Dungeons of Avalon II summary entry to reflect what commenter LanHawk discovered about the game, plus the winning screenshots he was able to obtain after fixing the problem for himself.


  1. 101 pages! I wish every game had something that comprehensive!

  2. To be this passionate about one of his creations so niche and so old, Josh must be a fascinating guy to meet. I hope some day he gives a postmortem of Camelot at GDC or a similar show, he must have a lot of stories to tell.

  3. Nifty, hopefully someone makes use of it.

  4. Haha, this is cool. I'm trying to imagine the buzz he must be getting out of interest in his baby!

  5. It's cool, but if he's interested in more people trying the game, he should consider removing some of the odd requirements from registering. I was interested until I saw they wanted an address and a phone number.

    1. Wait, really? That's bizarre. I was planning to check it out one day, but if that's true then I'm afraid I'll have to pass.

    2. That's not Josh Tabin's requirement. That's from the people who run Cyber1. They don't ask for your street address, just your city and state (if in the U.S.). You could put in a fake phone number.


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