This doesn't look so much like a Sword of Freedom as it does a Sword of Freedom cake. |
I was hoping I could wrap up the last of Knightmare in one article, but it looks like I won't be that lucky. Either I have to write up things the way they are now, or I won't get another post out until next weekend. This will be short, but it represents about 6 hours of gameplay.
At the end of my
last post, I was toying with taking a shortcut and going right to the final quest. I ultimately didn't do that because it seemed like bad form, plus killing the trees that block the quest entrances is
hard. All your attacks bounce back on you. I finally gave up and tossed the Cup of Life at Tree #3 and entered the third quest.
Groups of floating skulls assailed me in the third quest. They were hard to defeat because their images have no side view, so it's impossible to tell which way they're really facing. |
The third area consisted of three independent regions, roughly 20 x 30 each, and together I thought they made up the most satisfying map so far. Both puzzles and monsters got significantly more challenging, but in a fair way. Some memorable puzzles from the level included:
1. An area of 4 north/south hallways interlocked with 4 east/west hallways. At every intersection was a pressure plate that caused fireballs to simultaneously shoot towards the party from the north and west. (I'm assuming on the cardinal directions, since the game has no compass or method of determining your facing direction, but you get the idea.) I had to first find a safe alcove to dart into (after re-distributing inventory to make sure no character was overloaded) and then find a series of buttons that turned off some of the pressure plates, allowing limited movement in the area.
2. A 5 x 5 area with 9 moving walls. Moving walls by definition are hard to map, but I had to figure out their starting positions and ultimately push them in a way that allowed me access to each of the corners of the room. It took about 30 minutes of mapping, testing, and reloading to get this one just right and not block a necessary exit or something.
3. A teleporter maze with multiple teleporters going to nearly-identical areas (most consisting of a single square with teleporters in all four directions). Fortunately, I had been hoarding miscellaneous junk and was able to use items dropped on the floor to map the teleporter system.
A clue in case I couldn't figure it out for myself. |
4. A ghost who couldn't be killed with weapons. I had to experiment a bit with spells to learn that the mage's "Dispel" was the key to making him go away. This is the first time that I've needed a particular spell to progress in the game. Are you simply screwed if you didn't get a mage? I suppose I could have led him to another area and locked him behind a door, but I think maybe he had a key or something.
I thought the art was pretty good here. |
5. A room full of giant snakes who start behind walls. Stepping on a pressure plate (which you cannot avoid) abruptly removes the walls. This is one of the few places in the game so far where waltzing doesn't work and you just can't avoid a head-on fight. I had to heal the front characters frequently from the rear as I slew about 12 snakes.
6. A riddle: "when is a well not a well." This was given to me next to a well. When I couldn't figure it out immediately, I tried tossing every item I had into the well to no avail. But one of the items, recently acquired, was a Staff of Curing, and it led me to reason that a well is not a well when it's not well. I cast a curing spell on the well, and sure enough it opened into--actually, I don't know what. But walking into it teleported me to another area.
7. A roomful of dragons at the end of a long corridor where pressure plates shot fireballs down the corridor. This was another place where I couldn't waltz--there were too many dragons in the room--nor even back up, since I'd trigger the fireball plates.
This latter room put me face to face with a jester walking on his hands. I figured he wasn't an enemy and clicked on him instead of attacking him. He simply said, "I will pay you." I went through my inventory and reasoned that he might want something called a "Funny Staff" that I'd previously found.
As with the trees in the opening area, the game gives you only one way to "give" an object to an NPC: throw it at him. If it's the right object, the NPC will paradoxically dissolve into a puff of blood. That's what happened to the jester here, and his body left behind a coin. The coin later went to a Charon-like NPC in the game's final area. He gave me his boat.
Yes, sir! |
The final area had some really tough battles, including a series of floating skulls (it's hard to waltz them because they always face you straight-on), witches on broomsticks, and whatever the hell this thing is supposed to be:
But it also produced some nice equipment. I'm pleased to report that finally, after three quests, my party members have several items of chain and plate mail plus...get this...a broadsword.
I finally discover what would be starting armor in most games. |
The quest rewarded me with the Sword of Freedom, which I owned proudly for about 30 seconds before I tossed it at the final tree to make him disappear and let me into Quest 4. I played around the starting area for a little while; it appears that the opening area allows for infinite grinding against creatures that keep respawning. Although I prefer games that give me the opportunity to grind, I really hope it isn't strictly necessary.
Moving on to the final area. |
Only after I finished Level 3 did I begin to understand something about the game's magic system. For spellcasters to cast spells, they must find a wand, rod, or staff that goes with the spell class. My wizard found a "Wand of Magic" and my priest found a "Cross of Aid" early in the game. I found some items that went with other classes but was never able to develop any skill with them.
As I've been exploring, I've been finding other wands and staves. Quest 3 gave me a Wand of Pain and a Staff of Curing, and I didn't understand them. Finally, I realized that each spellcasting class has more than one associated object. The Wand of Pain, for instance, gives extra spells to the wizard. I'm pretty sure I deliberately left behind something called a Cross of Life because I thought it duplicated what I already had.
A very stereotypical witch attacks. |
Other notes:
- This nonsense comes up now and then here, just like it did in Captive. No idea what it's going on about.
- This is a button! A random skull on the wall. How I ever knew to push it, I have no idea, but I'm glad I figured it out. (Is there another game with very similar buttons?) There were a few of these.
I'm surprised by how much I'm taking to the puzzles, particularly considering that I didn't love the ones in Chaos Strikes Back, and I generally consider them an optional part of an RPG at best. But the combat system is wearing me down, and I'm glad I'm approaching the final areas.
Time so far: 25 hours
Reload count: 19
I get the sense that Amigas were made by someone with a very odd sense of humor:
You're doing the Lord's work by playing these obscure games. Keep it up, sir.
ReplyDeleteI don't think the skull button is that bad. To me it seems fairly well highlighted with the deep shadows around it. Also, reminds me of the locked doors in DOOM.
ReplyDeleteI should've taken a screenshot before I pressed the skull. I agree that it doesn't look so bad once it's depressed, but until then it looks like every other skull on the wall.
DeleteThe Eye of the Beholder series has a good number of "concealed buttons", but they're not *very* concealed. They're always obvious if you're looking for a concealed button and only liable to being missed if you're not.
Delete"This nonsense comes up now and then here, just like it did in Captive. No idea what it's going on about."
ReplyDeleteI think it's supposed to be a joke about the Amiga's crash message: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guru_Meditation
Yeah, much like Eternal Darkness, when your sanity got low, would do things like pretend your controller was disconnected, or that your memory card got erased. It's probably the same kind of thing here.
DeleteThat Guru Meditation thing is in the style of an Amiga system error, except that error would occur along the very top of the screen, not a section within it. I assume either they replicated the style for their own error message, or it's supposed to be an homage or obscure joke.
ReplyDeleteThe 'Guru meditation' error is Amiga's OS error-handling, similar to the better-known Blue Screen of Death in Windows. There is no context in the game where it makes sense though.
ReplyDeleteI remember being mystified when I turned on my television one day to see that error flashing across the screen. Apparently my local station still used Amigas in the early 2000's to broadcast cable.
The Guru Meditation 'thing' is, roughly the Amiga equivalent of joking about ctrl+alt+del in an ms-dos game, or a "Blue screen of Death",even.Older setup in WinUAE using Kickstart1.2 would mean Guru Meditation every time it crashes, and with Kickstart1.3 the box would read "Software Failure" instead. Just ignore :) And I'm sorry for being incoherent but I'm having a bad cold :(
ReplyDeleteAfter taking advantage of the Amiga Forever offer linked in a previous comment I'm currently playing along with this after first finishing the game back in '91. Have just finished Quest 2 but am now dreading the 'no-waltzing' fights in Quest 3. Buried at the back of my mind was a miserable memory of frantic mouse clicking to do combat healing, looks like I'm about to run into it again. Wonder if I can get the emulator to run at 50% speed to make up for my older and slower reactions...
ReplyDeleteI keep my fingers crossed for you. The last quest is a way longer and tougher than the first three together.. Regarding the staves/wands you have a complete list of them at the last excel-sheet, which I had sent you.. Quido
ReplyDeleteThanks, Quido. I've been avoiding looking at your sheet, although I can close with one button that I originally couldn't find.
DeleteFortunately, I had been hoarding miscellaneous junk and was able to use items dropped on the floor to map the teleporter system.
ReplyDeleteGod, that sucks. I hate games that reward doing this. "I might need that later. Better keep it!" and before you know it your inventory is a cluttered mess.
LOL Guru Meditation. Now there's an oldschool reference.
Wow 5 separate posts explaining the Guru Meditation error again. Since the reference was already made clear when it came up during Captive, I believe the Addict was wondering why it was appearing (completely without context) in this game.
ReplyDeleteBecause I moderate comments, nobody knows that other people have already commented on the topic until I post them all at once.
DeleteThe Guru Medi... oh, right.
ReplyDeleteI definitely recall some funky wall buttons in the EotB games, because I played a lot of Dungeon Hack - which used those resources - and encountered a great variance of them. Even all the way back with Dungeon Master, though, you occasionally got some microscopic bad boys. It's not so annoying if they're just concealing bonus treasure and it's a reward for the sharp-eyed, but it's a bit much when that button is required for progress.
Hear me out, but I think there's actually something very elegant and game designer-y in these sorts of secret button puzzles.
ReplyDeleteWhen they're done right, they work only because of the limited, repeating tileset. The very few walls repeat over and over again until the player has them totally memorized; when you've seen a wall hundreds of times, even a very small variation stands out. It makes the player feel clever for noticing, turns a limitation into an advantage, and does both on a subconscious level.
Of course, when they're not done right...
If we include JRPGs, Chain Mail would be a starting equipment for... well... about 50% of role-playing games.
ReplyDeleteFor JRPGs alone, the standard starting equipment would be: Wooden Sword + Cloth Armor.
It's comments like this that get me thinking about pie charts for starting equipment across all RPGs. Might not take long to compile actually.
DeleteHmmm... the problem is where you draw the line for starting equipment? Your initial inventory (often empty), what you find in your first room/dungeon/city, what you find in the first x minutes/hours of playing...? You'd need to define your cutoff point.
DeleteDo you count all the equipment you obtain before the first time your equipment is relevant (eg 'Open the chest in your room, it contains your sword and a piece of armor'), or does it have to be pre-equipped on booting up the game?
DeleteMany roguelikes and similar games give you cash instead of equipment and make you buy your own supplies for your first trip into the field.
DeleteGiven the item progression in RPGs is necessarily linear, starting equipment is just the lowest tier equipment, no matter how it's obtained.
DeleteIf you're including chainmail as starting armor I would say the armor you get in the first x hours of play.
DeleteI'd say the first set of non-random gear you get once you reach combat in in the main game. (I.e. if there is a scene where you play as someone else, or get your gear stolen that doesn't count).
DeleteMost games it would be (as Canageek stated) "the first set of non-random gear once you reach combatin the main game", but roguelikes and such its the cash it gives you to buy the equipment. Basically its the point at which the game expects you to take charge of it and not the other way around. So its very much a judgement call for many games. And it can vary. I've been replaying Dragon Age: Origins and starting equipment can change by origin and class giving multiple possible starting equipment so that needs to be taken into account as well.