
Monday, November 10, 2014

Hiatus Drags On

Hi again, everyone. Sorry that it's been so long since the last post. I gave the wrong impression in a comment somewhere; my recent lack of productivity is not due to "burnout" but rather because I've been given a chance to work on some very important projects for my profession, and I don't want to screw them up by over-indulging in RPGs. While it's true that the upcoming crop of games has "facilitated" this hiatus by not interesting me very much, for the moment we can regard that as a good thing.

I'll be back as soon as I get these projects completed enough that I'm confident I'll make their deadlines. I don't have any interest in altering my plan.

I'll leave comments open, but I will be deleting this post when I start blogging again, so don't say anything that you really want preserved for posterity.


  1. Very understandable, I just got breathing room from a large heads down project. I'll still be habitually refreshing every day for blog updates.

  2. Aww, man. There goes my plan to post my essay on the applications of the Eight Fold Path for Tantric Buddhism here.

    1. And this comment makes me happy that Chet never deleted this post as it made me snerk.

    2. Ha. I really did intend to. The hiatus dragged on so long that I forgot this post by the time it was over.

  3. Yup, thanks for the update.
    I´m kind of playing "Knights of the Chalice" at the moment, but I also don't have too much time for it, a few hours per week rather.

    Also, to be honest, it´s not that great a game. The combat is very good, but everything else is rather lackluster.

    Anyway, hope you get back on track soon, but, yeah, work that schedule :)

    1. I bought that game years ago and haven't been able to get past the first battle. My shame is great but my indifference towards the game is greater.

    2. Yeah, I doubt you missed much concerning the mid-game. I think I´ve also thrown the towel for now.

    3. I loved that game. Couldn't beat the final battle, though. Found it extremely addictive.

  4. Yeah, take care of your business first. Nobody wants you to be the Unemployed CRPG Addict.

  5. Best of luck with your work! Business before pleasure, unfortunately.

  6. Completely understandable. Best not toget distracted. Good luck!

  7. I recall Megatraveller I was interesting... I haven't played it since the early 90s though. Megatraveller II kicks it up a few notches, and you can carry your party over, so...

    1. I also remember Megatraveller I as being interesting, and I thought Megatraveller II was great too.

      I remember playing Fountain of Dreams and not being all that impressed with it.

  8. Thanks for the update. Good luck with the projects!

  9. Dang, I'm showing withdrawal symptoms, too addicted to the CRPG Addict I guess...

    But thanks for the update and good luck. /salute

    - Amasius

  10. Any word on how William is doing in Dragon Sword?

  11. Keep on plugging at the important stuff, Chet. We'll be here when life returns to normal.

    For those bored and looking for kinda-computer-game-themed reading material, is it okay if I plug my blog-novel Ballad of the Bard, a humorous adventure-parody of classic CRPGs? It's at

  12. Ganbare! I look forward to new articles, but it sure is nice to eat and heat the house...

  13. Frankly, I didn´t expect you to keep going for so long anyway. It amazes me you still have the energy to carry on...

  14. Does anyone have any suggestions for intelligent and insightful old game reviews and writings to tide us over until the esteemed Mister Bolingbroke returns?

    1. Check out The Digital Antiquarian, if you don't know it already:

      - Amasius

    2. I'd also recommend The Stack:

      (The writer is the only person I know who beat Wizardry 4, back when it was first released and without hints.)

    3. Shaun Musgrave of TouchArcade (the major mobile game resource) has started a column called 'RPG Reload'. Only 14 articles so far, but it's good. Describes the game's place in history and how it hold's up in today's market.

    4. My favourite:
      Lazy Game Reviews
      Newer an very old Games, Thrifting and Oddware. :-D
      Very entertaining.

    5. I'm a big fan of LGR and still waiting for phreakindee to do a hardware review of his Commodore PET that you sometimes see in the background.

    6. And then there's The Adventure Gamer:

      Basic idea is the same as with CRPG Addict, except with adventure games, instead of CRPGs. It was formerly a one-man project of a person called Trickster, but it has now grown to a community effort with many reviewers.

    7. I used to tell jokes there at the expense of Trickster. Now, well... it's not the same anymore if I say that kinda crap to fellow community members.

    8. And to think I thought you were laughing with me and not at me.

      I still read the blog Kenny, so you're welcome to take a few stabs at me whenever you want to. :)

    9. Well, I hope you like X'mas surprises then.

  15. Thanks for letting us know what's going on, and good luck with your projects.

  16. Not good enough Chet, what do we pay you for!

  17. Chet,
    You could always just jettison the various unappealing 1980s titles on other platforms than PC and toss the shareware/import titles. IT could really relieve the burnout.
    - Smash

    1. He already said that there's no burnout. Just Real Life stepping in to take full center stage.

  18. Miss you Chet. Your blog is the most fun on the internet. Hope work eases up on you soon.

  19. Heloo. Do you know of any good resources/places for old CRPGS?

    (And, due to you mentioning it much earlier, I tried out the Lone Wolf books. Excellent)

    Good Luck, and Zargon awaits you.

    1. is a pretty awesome resource for old games.

    2. I recommend Good Old Games, which is more legal, not that I would know *wink.* It just got some Lucasarts games, which are not R.P.G.s but they are excellent.

    3. I dunno about it being illegal or not since there is no laws regarding abandonware. Even if it is no longer abandoned, the software's royalties earned from existing oldies rarely go to the original creators anymore. Anyway, here's another site that have some other old games with non-existent or disputed licensing rights.

    4. There are laws regarding abandonware. It's illegal. That said, being abandoned and all means nobody is around to sue you. Victimless crime? Almost literally.

  20. "Hiatus" probably means "I don´t have the time and I am sick of it".
    Well, I guess that is it.
    Amazing he kept going that long, anyway.
    Chet, if you come back, we would love that.
    If you can´t, well, thanks for everything, it was wonderful while it lasted.

    1. That's not what "hiatus" means.

      I don't have time, but I'm not sick of it. We'll be back in full-swing by the holidays. Have a little patience, people.

  21. Man has the right to a life.

    I'm still dying to see how he handles Pools of Darkness. ;)

  22. I thought the name of the game was "Lords of Xultima" at first and somehow related to that dumb F2P game that EA made a while ago called "Lords of Ultima"

  23. AlphabeticalAnonymousOctober 27, 2021 at 6:17 PM

    Thanks for - despite your stated intent - not actually deleting this post when you started blogging again. It adds some interesting historical perspective!


I welcome all comments about the material in this blog, and I generally do not censor them. However, please follow these rules:

1. Do not link to any commercial entities, including Kickstarter campaigns, unless they're directly relevant to the material in the associated blog posting. (For instance, that GOG is selling the particular game I'm playing is relevant; that Steam is having a sale this week on other games is not.) This also includes user names that link to advertising.

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I read all comments, no matter how old the entry. So do many of my subscribers. Reader comments on "old" games continue to supplement our understanding of them. As such, all comment threads on this blog are live and active unless I specifically turn them off. There is no such thing as "necro-posting" on this blog, and thus no need to use that term.

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