
Monday, March 3, 2025

Unlimited Adventures: More Adventures, Summary, and Rating

Unlimited Adventures
And specifically, "The Heirs to Skull Crag" adventure
United States
MicroMagic, Inc. (developer); Strategic Simulations, Inc. (publisher)
Released 1993 for DOS and Macintosh
Date Started: 31 January 2024
Date Ended: 25 February 2025
Total Hours: 29 (two full adventures, several partial ones)
Difficulty: Moderate (3.0/5), but depends heavily on the adventure
Final Rating: (to come later)
Ranking at time of posting: (to come later)  
Unlimited Adventures is a creation kit that uses the Gold Box engine, the basis of ten Dungeons & Dragons games and two Buck Rogers games between 1988 and 1992. "The Heirs to Skull Crag" is a short but satisfying adventure that exemplifies the strengths and weaknesses of the creation kit. It casts the party as a group of caravan guards who get caught up in the fate of a fortress whose lord or lady, called the Roadwarden, serves as the protector of trade routes through the Dragonjaw mountains. A cabal of odd enemies has slain the Roadwarden, and her artifact weapons and armor have been scattered among the factions. The party must recover the items while arbitrating a succession feud among the dead Roadwarden's children. There are several side areas and adventures.
The module makes excellent use of the variety of enemies allowed by the engine (which is based on the latest commercial version, as seen in 1992's The Dark Queen of Krynn), the tactical combat, the spells, character development, and equipment. Weaknesses are the same as the weaknesses of the Gold Box engine and the Unlimited Adventures kit in general: no interactivity to the environment, a broken economy, and graphics that are all stock art rather than created specifically for this story. It nonetheless stands up well against other Gold Box games.
The next adventure I checked out was "Ghost of Greyhawk Manor," by Mike Whyte, apparently created as part of a 1993 Halloween contest on America Online. The plot is that the PC (whichever party member was selected when you hit "Begin Game") is on the trail of a malevolent entity named Malhavok. Years ago, Malhavok tortured and slaughtered the PC's family and burned his village. The PC has traced Malhavok, through similarly destroyed cities and scenes of slaughter, to the town of Greyhawk.
Right now. This is the first time I'm hearing that name.
I decided to do something different and make the main character a cleric surrounded by five paladins. The game starts everyone at a relatively-high Level 9, to include cleric spells through Level 5 and +2 equipment. I envisioned the cleric, Karras, not as a kind, healing cleric, but rather a wrathful, vengeful one. I decided to see how long I could stay alive while giving all offensive spells to the cleric and relying on the paladins' "Lay on Hands" abilities for healing.
As the party enters Greyhawk, they witness an altercation between a local lord, Blaine, and a messenger from the duke, who is upset about Blaine's dalliance with the duke's daughter. In the inn, the party hears about the history of Lord Blaine's family. Fifty years ago, the viscount's daughter went insane and murdered her family, then killed herself. Her spirit still haunts the old manor, protecting a hidden vault of riches that succeeding generations have occasionally tried to find, most of them getting slaughtered by the vengeful spirit. Blaine himself barely made it out alive when he went for the treasure.
The party gets the main quest from "Duke Skynyrd."
The relationship between this haunting and Malhavok is unclear, but when the party meets the duke (amusingly named Skynyrd), he tells them that Malhavok is at the old estate, looking for the one weapon that can kill him: the sword Blackrazor. Lord Blaine (a Level 7 chaotic good human fighter) and one of his companions, Usurp Toe (a Level 10 lawful evil human fighter) join the party on the way out of town. We're soon attacked by a pack of wolves (I immediately start regretting my lack of "Fireball"), which causes Usurp Toe to run off after our victory.
The core of the game takes place in the enormous Greyhawk Manor. The author did a great job making the manor seem like a real place with evocative descriptions of rooms and encounters.
As you know, I'm a big fan of "flavor text."
He also took the time to create original art for the game, or at least digitize it from photographs.
They both look familiar, but I can't quite place them. Are they from Doctor Who?
However, it soon became clear that this is not a module in which you want to screw around with unconventional party composition. First, the module calls upon the skills of thieves and magicians; there are locks that need to be picked and doors that need to be "Knocked." Second, enemies are hard. The largely-undead bestiary resists most of the cleric's offensive spells (most of which are fairly useless even against normal enemies; does anyone really ever cast "Cause Blindness" in a Gold Box game?) and attempts to turn them. Many of them drain levels. And you can't easily ride back to town for a quick "Restoration" because the game likes to throw enormous wolf packs at you when you do.
We just wanted to get a drink and identify some equipment.
Thus, my mind turned to bringing my victorious "Restoration of Gundahab" party into the module. First, I needed something to get them from Level 6 to roughly Level 9. I sorted the list randomly and looked for the first 1993 module with a starting level of between 4 and 8. The first one was "Travelers and Thieves" from May 1993 by a "Turbo007." It creates characters with 40,000 experience points, which was about the average for my party.
The adventure does not have a description in the Rose Dragon database, nor does it have a title screen. The opening screen begins: "After your graduation, a group of your friends decides to take a trip to England to sight-see." The visit includes a tour of the ruins of "old town Cambder . . . the birthplace of the youngest king ever to rule England." (The youngest king ever to rule England was Henry VI, born at Windsor Castle in Berkshire. Things are not starting well.) The game uses the "tour" feature to escort us through the ruins, as the tour guide explains that a current archaeological project is underway at the location to "discover the secrets of time travel." The guide leaves the party alone to explore. The air becomes thick. Someone screams for help in the distance. Then . . . nothing. I walked on every square, tested every wall, tried sleeping, etc. Nothing seems to move the story forward. If I go back to the starting square, it just repeats the tour. I looked up a review of the adventure in the Unlimited Adventures newsletter from 2010, and it mentioned the problem but says that the reviewer "got around it." It does not say how. Meanwhile, however, it sounds like the module isn't great: "Nothing made sense."
The automap doesn't even show an exit.
I went back to the drawing board and selected the next game to match my criteria: "Volcano" from May 1993 by a "Dave C." Unfortunately, the database was wrong: Instead of the Level 5-6 adventure it promised, the adventure starts new characters at 140,000 experience points, or about Level 13 for a fighter.
Next up: "Shadow of Moloch" from July 1993 by "Skarsol." It begins on an outdoor map of a pleasant countryside called Lanethorn. We enter a peaceful village where the friendly people smile at us. It's all very suspicious.
The game begins on an outdoor map.
"Something nags at you," the game says as we leave the town. Before long, we're stopped by a group of armed men who demand to know our business. The leader pretends there's some trouble on the road ahead and suggests we spend the night in his camp. When we refuse, he attacks. The ensuing battle against a bunch of "Bestea knights" and "cult knights" leaves three of us unconscious.
I've played enough RPGs to know this won't end well.
More guards appear in a mountain pass, where we bluff our way through, then barely survive attacks by ice wolves and cult assassins. On the other side of the mountains is a menu town where the shop sells +2 equipment. 
I continue on to a castle on a promontory. A dark, severe-looking man greets me and says that all the priests are "engaged in a prayer convocation" hoping to "bring peace to this troubled land." We can't do anything here. Instead, we enter the village at the base of the castle. It is a full 16 x 8 map with an inn, a shop, a training hall, a tavern, and a temple. But something is clearly wrong. The residents are all fighting with each other. The schoolhouse is empty of children. We're attacked repeatedly by assassins in the street. And when we ask one resident about entering the castle, he returns with a squad of soldiers and tries to kill us.
The game has the first use of dialogue options that I've seen with the kit.
The problem: there's no way to exit the village. The entry square has no exit, and I've tried every other square and wall. I made some good experience fighting the assassins, and most of my characters leveled up twice, but if I'm going to continue with this module, I'll have to export the characters and start over. It's too bad, because I found this one promising.
A typical battle against cult assassins.
Thus, a bunch of false starts. I bear neither the kit nor the creators any ill will. They were amateurs attempting a new tool in its first few months of existence. What I'll do when I play the next one is choose one with the best ratings or something. But for now, I'm going to wrap up my current coverage of Unlimited Adventures and give it a rest for at least a few weeks while I make progress on some other games.
There is no good way to rate a kit. My usual practice to date has been to rate each game independently if the kit results in a standalone program and to rate them collectively (or based on the demo program) if the player must have the original kit to run the adventure. Obviously, a kit is only as good as the adventures made for it. Since Unlimited Adventures theoretically can accomplish the best of everything previously accomplished with the Gold Box games, a theoretical GIMLET score for it would add up the top score for each category across the series of Gold Box titles. That would be a 68, incidentally, but the highest I ever rated for "economy" was 4, and I think it's possible to create a game with a better one, so let's call it a 70. That means that I think Unlimited Adventures is probably capable of creating a game that rates higher, if only by one point, than any other game I've ever rated. It would tell a story and have encounter and side quest options as interesting as Pool of Radiance or Curse of the Azure Bonds, offer the depth of character classes and character-based role-playing as Champions of Krynn, keep the magic and combat system of any of the titles, and outdo all of them for the economy. Not much could be done about graphics, sound, or interface, which would keep even a perfect Gold Box game from pushing much higher than 70.
This is all most Gold Box games needed to immediately gain 3 GIMLET points.
But I don't think it's fair to the other games on my list to rate a kit by its hypothetical best product, so I'll give it a rating instead based on "The Heirs to Skull Crag," if for no other purpose than to keep the game from showing up in my list with a row of blank cells:
  • 5 points for the game world. I like the small, localized nature of the story. It has a fair amount of lore, but I think the developers could have done a better job setting up the reveal of the final villains. 
  • 6 points for character creation and development. It has all the strengths and weaknesses of the Gold Box engine and the first-edition AD&D system. We're so used to games that offer multiple races, classes, alignments, and meaningful leveling that we sometimes forget what a rarity it was in the early 1990s. 
  • 5 points for NPC Interaction. As with most Gold Box games, this is a weird combination of the people you can actually speak to (who are more "encounters" than "NPCs") and those that join the party. The dialogues, alas, offer little opportunity for choice or role-playing.
  • 6 points for encounters and foes. In terms of description, varieties, and tactics, any game based on D&D was doing monsters better than just about any other game during this period—and most of the exceptions were cribbing from D&D. Between different sorts of physical attacks, spells, effects like poison and paralysis, breaths, and resistances, the player is always having to adjust the strategy. While there are a lot of contextual encounters in the game—both combat and non-combat—there aren't many choices, and very little role-playing. 
The Gold Box series doesn't get enough credit for doing this in every module.
  • 7 points for magic and combat. I still think the Gold Box engine is one of the best ever designed for tactical combat. This module highlights its strengths superbly, and in general the authors deserve a lot of credit for programming so many spell effects. Most of the weaknesses are weaknesses of the system.
  • 5 points for equipment. You have a lot of equipment slots, plus usable items like potions. I always appreciate how easy it is in a D&D game (Baldur's Gate 3 a notable exception) to compare items. I wouldn't mind some item descriptions and greater randomization, and of course we're a long way off from crafting.
  • 2 points for the economy. It exists. You need money for training and item identification, and there are some magic items to buy. Like with most Gold Box games, which try too hard to stick to D&D rules about wealth and experience, the game is overly generous. The kit is capable of better, though.
  • 4 points for quests. There's a main quest and some side quests and side areas, but few opportunities for choices or role-playing.
  • 5 points for graphics, sound, and interface. We've talked about how, in a weird way, most of the graphics in Gold Box games are symbolic rather than literal, but I still can't bring myself to give it nothing at all. Sound effects, particularly combat sound effects, are sparse but decent. Where the engine really shines is in its controls, which simultaneously allow for intuitive mouse, keyboard, and joystick inputs.
  • 5 points for gameplay. The challenge level is perfect. The length is good, but a little short for everything possible with the engine and characters. There's inherent replayability in any system with so many character choices, but I don't think the plot is replayable. It's fairly linear but does give the player a few choices.
That gives us a final score of 50, which puts it right around the quality of the Savage Frontier titles. I agree with this. I think "The Restoration of Gundahab" would rank about the same, the better economy balanced by a slightly more linear and shorter plot.
In a November 1993 Computer Gaming World review, Rudy Craft didn't think much of the Gold Box ("sorely lacking"; "far removed . . . from the cutting edge of computer gaming technology"), but he still thought that the program was "the best adventure construction kit available." He points out that, "Origin has not yet released an Ultima Underworld adventure construction kit, nor are they likely to." Apparently, the original release of Unlimited Adventures shipped with bugs and without some crucial documentation, but both problems had been fixed at the time of the review.
(As an aside, Craft's description of the game begins with this sentence: "Unlimited Adventures allows the player to design and/or plan an essentially unlimited number of adventures." I have no previous experience with Mr. Craft, but I have to wonder if he's one of the writers who would later insist that "a role-playing game is a game in which you play a role.")
The kit sold just over 32,000 copies in its initial run, respectable for a product that was essentially just a repackaging of tools that already existed. I don't imagine expectations were very high; judging by contemporary accounts, SSI was pinning most of its RPG hopes on the subsequent release of Dark Sun: Shattered Lands. I'm not sure why, but the release of the kit marked the end of MicroMagic and was the last commercial release for most of its staff, including founder and lead designer Jason T. Linhart (I attempted to get in touch with Linhart to no avail).
My module list grows.
The kit accomplished its mission and lived up to its name. A creator/user community popped up immediately and continues to this day. As recent comments pointed out, Unlimited Adventures came out just before the widespread availability of the Internet. Accordingly, the manual simply envisioned players trading modules on floppy disks. But early adopters of the new paradigm took to cyberspace, where they organized an AOL Forum (1993-2001) and shared information on various Usenet groups. Developers and fans uploaded files to university web sites and FTP servers. A Yahoo group ran from 1999 to the late 2010s (Yahoo shut down all groups in 2019). The first web sites were online by 2000, cataloguing the best adventures in perpetuity.
The site I've been using lists 648 modules for the PC and 148 for the Macintosh, including around a dozen created in the last two years. Creators soon figured out how to "hack" the kit so that they could include character classes, races, environments, enemies, and equipment in worlds well beyond the Forgotten Realms, including most of the D&D campaign settings, Doom, Star Trek, Star Wars, Middle Earth, Arthurian Britain, and many others.
I look forward to sampling some of these as I continue my adventure through time. I obviously can't let myself get too distracted, but I can see inserting an Unlimited Adventure into the occasional streak of 30-point games just so I'll have something to look forward to. I'm taking the kit off my current list, but in no way are we done with it.


  1. I was thinking Connie Booth for the second one but on another look, the face doesn't really match.

    I think rating the default adventure is the natural way to do it, it is what I would have expected you to do.

    1. I've just got to say that my first thought was "She reminds me of whats-her-name from Fawlty Towers or something like that"! :)

  2. Nice to have seen the Gold Box engine in action here once more for a couple posts and glad to hear it probably won't be the last time on this blog. In spite of its limitations, with a good designer & writer at the helm of a module there is obviously still some fun to be had for those of us who enjoy its strengths.

    As a certain CRPG Addict wrote three years ago in his rating post on Dark Sun: Shattered Lands (reacting to Scorpia's contemporary review which commented on it as happily not being more of the same [Gold Box engine]): "If SSI had released a Gold Box game in 1993 instead of Dark Sun, it would have been a damned good game."

  3. I couldn't help but spot 'Chesterland' glancing over your list of modules, which implies that you're experimenting with the construction kit in some form or another. Good for you...

  4. As much as I love the work you are doing/have done, I would probably enjoy it even more if all you did was review Unlimited Adventure modules from here on out.

  5. I'm not positive, but those two photos look rather like Kathryn Leigh Scott and Lara Parker from back when they were in Dark Shadows. Were there any other pictures that might look like Dark Shadows actors?

    1. I didn't take any others, and I haven't seen the show, so it's hard to say for sure. But I looked up some photos of the actresses/characters, and I'm 90% sure you're right. It would go with the theme of the module, too.

    2. Seconded. Dark Shadows was the first thing I thought of when I saw those. Given the time period, I imagine the pictures were digitized from a magazine article. Possibly Fangoria 102, which I can't look up right now but apparently did a "Top 100 women of horror" article that referenced Dark Shadows.

    3. There was a vampire soap opera. Just when you thought there exists everything whith supernaturals and especially vampires nowadays...

  6. I wonder if there will be a UA game that you would genuinely rate that high? For most of us, myself, included, the modules are quite a source of mystery, since we've spent as much time with them as we have with something like Antepenult, but others might be aware of what the big hitters will be. That said, I am intrigued by your description of a Doom one and especially one set around Arthurian myth.

    1. I doubt it. The heavy hitters tend to come in three variations: recreations of Pool of Radiance, visual novels interspersed with Gold Box game combat to "illustrate fight scenes", and tech demo-ish demonstrations of how you can simulate object interaction with really determined scripting. I can't think of any UA game that pushes the kit to its limits in every respect at the same time.

      It's possible Dark Alliances might edge out the original Pool of Radiance due to a better-tuned economy, though.

  7. I really recommend Ray Dyer's modules based upon published tabletop dungeons that were written by TSR. I played 7 or 8 of them and they didn't let me down. Hidden Shrine of Tomoachan, maybe. It is for levels 5 to 8. The Ghost Tower of Inverness is for the same levels.

  8. This is an extremely thoughtful and fair review. I'm genuinely impressed with how you approached this unorthodox entry in your cRPG blogging. I'm also delighted that you will continue to come back to FRUA/Goldbox games going forward.

  9. Now you're mentioning sales, curiosly UA was the only Gold Box product released in Spain, and was even translated to Spanish

  10. Would the same "game where you play a role" literalists say Unlimited Adventures isn't a Gold Box game because it doesn't come in a gold box?

    1. "How is it a forgotten realm if you know you're there?"

    2. "How is it unlimited when it has RAM limits and level limits?" :P

  11. "The kit sold just over 32,000 copies in its initial run, respectable..."

    Oh remember those times when a game was not considered a failure when it sold fewer than 4 million copies?

    Now on a serious note, I have found myself arguing online with many people who think that even in the 80s and 90s any game that did not sell millions of copies was a failure, and hence why pc gaming is not relevant at all for video game history...

    1. As recently as 1995, a game that sold 100,000 copies was considered successful, unless it was one of those "interactive movies" that cost millions upon millions of dollars to make.

  12. Blackrazor is the D&D version of the demon-possessed sword Stormbringer, from the Elric Saga line of books. The Black Sword from Ultima 7 is another "copy" of Stormbringer, and Nightblood (from Brandon Sanderson) is a milder version. All of these swords are Bad News.

    Cause Blindness is not a very good spell because it requires an attack roll AND a saving throw, so it has a low success rate. Later editions fix this.

    1. And what does Blindness do, exactly?
      In my experience Power Word: Blind, which does not have a saving throw, does absolutely nothing, and is my candidate for most useless spell in cRPG history.

    2. Blindness gives a 20% penalty to both attack rolls and armor class.

      Power Word Blind doesn't work on anything with more than 100 hit points; and many high-level monsters are immune to blindness one way or the other; so PWB is indeed not very good. Cause Blindness, however, is available many levels earlier.

    3. Those effects are so insignificant that it boggles the mind why any mage would waste a lvl 8 spell slot on PW:B.

    4. I believe Blindness also prevents you from targeting enemies more than one space away.

    5. I remember testing if PW: Blind would prevent enemy archery and spell casting. It had no effect, except for causing a feeling of disgust.
      But of course it's a GB game, so maybe Blind works that way in _some_ of the games.

    6. I'm of a mind with PO. Even at Level 3, I can think of many things I'd rather do with a priest's round than to waste it reducing a single enemy's effectiveness by 20%. I can't imagine wasting the round of a mage with Level 8 spells on such a thing. "Burning Hands" would be a better use of time.

    7. Well, yeah. In tabletop D&D the DM will most likely impose restrictions on what a blinded character can do, but in a CRPG these aren't there. That makes it a pretty bad spell in Gold Box.

  13. I cannot login with my Google account for some reason, so I'll comment as is.

    I think that you are too generous with kits, particularly this one, where you fall into predictable "I know this combat" pattern. So, I think that your approach to grading kits is wrong.

    Let's jut have a look at this one, and, in particular, see what NOT there. Things that are NOT there are:

    1. Open world map. You do not have continuous, or pseudo-continuous environment, that needs to be explored; instead, you have a map with a clearly visible set of dungeons (perhaps, with some "puzzle areas" at best), but the "big world" exploration is simply not there.

    2. Meaningful non-combat skills. I don't think I need to say more.

    3. Very rudimentary interface for puzzles

    4. Character development on rails; there are quite limited options for development in each class, and typically a party needs all archetypes for meaningful progression

    5. No stealth

    6. Very limited control over graphic assets

    And I'm not going under the hood of this one; I'm just saying that there are a lot of things that are simply impossible to implement with this set, because the mechanics are not there.

    1. You can script rudimentary stealth scenarios. Not even on the level of BG1 but the amount of stealth possible isn't zero.

    2. Even if Google is giving you trouble, you can tell us who you are in the text of the comment. This isn't so hard.

      The points you're making are the same points I've made repeatedly about the Gold Box and what it lacks. That doesn't mean we can't value what it has. Half the problem with video game debates these days is that people expect every new game to have every good element of every past game, otherwise it "sucks."

  14. PS. This last post exemplifies my experience with mods coming from online communities: you can stick to a dozen or so that gain traction, get burned on dozens of half-baked ones, and miss the good content because there is so much unusable stuff out there.

    1. This is why community contests are good. If you want to play text adventures that are guaranteed not to be half-complete garbage, just play games that placed at the IF Competition. They might not be to your taste, but then you have plenty of thoughtful reviews to pick the ones that appeal to you.

      Even in smaller communities, this can work. In the Blades of Exile community we had contests but we also had a number of well-respected people who played basically everything and served as critics. There was maybe overall a bit of a bias toward heavily scripted, "conceptual" scenarios versus hack and slash, but at least you had good signal on which ones were unplayable trash.

    2. I think that really depends on the community. Some of the worst games I've ever played won some contests, and some people are apparently desperate enough to try to manipulate the votes in a contest, sometimes even for no money. (which of course, could be related) Contests really depend on the character of the community around it. Using IFcomp for example, there's a trend towards shorter, story-focused games. Which isn't bad, but I do note that it has it's fair share of critics, and if your only exposure to some place is for nothing but stuff that you don't care for you aren't going to stick around.

  15. Speaking of Gold Box engine, I seem to vaguely remember some strange game - a port of the first Eye of the Beholder game for the Gameboy Advance console, maybe? - where there was EoB-like view of environments, as rich and full of detail, but - the moment you meet monsters, you get into Goldbox-style battle screen where you fight them. I wonder if this kind of game would scratch both itches for you - tactical depth combined with much more polished environment of EoB game, as opposed to "empty warehouse" spaces of true GoldBox games...?

    1. Interesting. Indeed, the 2002 EoB GBA adaptation has turn-based combat with an isometric view, see e.g, this screenshot or gameplay videos here or here.

  16. It'd be neat to compare a fully fledged and polished adventure made recently for UA to the best Gold Box games, such as Pool of Radiance. I bet there are some fans that have put enough work into their modules over the years to rival and even surpass the best commercial Gold Box games.

    I hope you are able to try some of these, rather than the half-baked and incomplete ones that you played for this post.

    1. I'm sure I will play plenty of FRUA and non-FRUA games that represent the cream the crop. But if there was one persistent idea that I wish I could excise from my readership, it's the notion that my purpose is always to experience the best of things.


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